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Hey guys let's start

Avu : guys let's go guest are arriving

Aman: hmm vashi go and sit there

Avu : i will welcome guest

Va : avu you go with sid and check if food is ready or not

Avu : ok mom

Sonia : kids you all come with me

Everyone except va avu and sid left for there work

Va : i am also going sid and avu check food

Avu : ya mom don't worry

Va came near sid and whisper : go and spend some time with her alone and bring a smile on your face you are looking like a devdas go ( she said and wink on him )

Sid blush and nodded

Va left

Avu : come let's go and check food

They both went in kitchen were food was getting bake

Avu was instructing them that how and when to serve food while sid was just admiring her

After avu finish she turn and saw sid looking her with love and affection

Sid drag her with him

And brought her in a room

( It was a hotel book for guest  and for bride and function was in the garden area of that hotel so they were in room book for vashi as it was open because gift has kept there )

Sid hug her tightly avu hug him back

He was hugging her like his life depends on her avu felt something wet on her shoulder she tried to broke hug but sid shook his head in her neck

Avu rub his back

After like 15 mins sid broke the hug

Sid : i hate you . You care about everyone except me

He said with a pout and turn his face to other side

Avu hug him from back and kiss his cheek

Avu : sowiee

Sid turn and cupped her face

Sid : you know how much i was missing you when i didn't saw you from 1 week you were with me but still not with me i was missing you and every second every second was like 1000 years for me

Avu : i am sorry ( with guilt)

Sid: and you know jack told that you took work over load why

Avu : woh mom gave me responsibility of everything so i thought to complete my work as fast as possible

Sid : don't do this next time

Avu : hmm now come let's go down

Sid nodded an kiss her forehead

( Everytime not only boys but girls are also wrong sometime it would be wrong if only boys treat girls like  princess girls should also treat boys like they treat  them not every time a boy should fulfill girls wish girls should too it's my opinion what about your )

They both sat with everyone avu was applying menhdi in her hand on till bale and back side

After sometime there was dance song and many more and function got over

Avu and other girls came with vashi as they were helping her to remove her menhdi

They all sat down  ( they were at Nigam mansion)

Va : sid i think you love avu like anything

Sid : ofcourse mom I do why are saying like this

Sonia : my dear son look at avu's hand her menhdi is more dark then to be bride means vashi

Vashi : ya  teach something to your brother

Vashi said while glaring at him and abhi just glup

Abhi : baby what is my fault in this

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Byee, 🥰

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