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Hey guys let's start

After that they ate there dinner silently

Avu didn't selpt whole night due to excitement

Next day

They all got ready

They all got ready

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Imagine others

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Imagine others

They all left for airport

( Reporting Time was 7:00 and flight was at 10: 00 )

They all did checking and  sat in plane

( There were 1000 students as there were 5 college and it take 2 hours from Mumbai to Jaipur)

( There were 1000 students as there were 5 college and it take 2 hours from Mumbai to Jaipur)

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Sitting arrangement

Avu - sid - prachi

Vashi - abhi - random girl

Ana - dev - random boy

Ashi - deep - Riya

Ri - Anu - random boy

Jann - fasiu- random girl

Muku - sum - random girl

Reem - jai - random boy

Let's see at ashdeep side

Ashi was reading book and ran was getting irritate because Riya was flirting with him

At last ran pulled Ashi on his lap and said

Ran : she is my girlfriend and i love her very much so plss stay away from me

Ashi was shocked

Riya : how is she your girlfriend

Ran kissed her cheek

Ran : happy

Riya turned and sat silently

Ran left Ashi

Let's see at Sidneet side

Sid was watching movie prachi was eating and avu was sleeping with her head on window and was in very uncomfortable position

Sid saw her he pulled the mid ( thing) ( in don't know what it is called 😁😅)
up and pulled her little closer and kept her head on his chest and warraped his one hand around her waist and avu wrapped her arms around his torso sid again started watching movie and prachi was seeing them and was jello

Pra : sid i am sleepy

Sid : so sleep na why are you telling me

Prachi was about to keep her head on Sid's shoulder but

Sid : what are you doing

Pra : sleeping

Sid : don't you dare to sleep on me

Pra : but ( cut off)

Sid : no

Sid saw avu moving little because of noise so he to crasse her hairs and kissed her head and and prachi was hell hell jello sid again warraped his one hand around her waist and started watching movie

Let's see at abhinav's side

Vashi's head was on abhi's chest they were watching movie

When abhi saw sidneet

Abhi : love see there

Vashi saw them and was aww

Vashi : yarr they look so cute together

Abhi : yay but that chudail is trying to come between them

Vashi : hmm leave na let's watch movie plss

Abhi : hmm

After 2 hours

They finally reached

All went down but only sidneet were remaining

Drama club and baddie bunch were waiting for them

Finally they both came but both the group were shock to see avu in Sid's arms

Ana : what is happening

Sid : she is not waking up i tried a lot but ( sighed)

Reem : come it's go sir and teachers are waiting for us

They all left in bus

( There were 3 bus )

They all reached hotel

They all reached hotel

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   Hotel ☝️

Avu was still in Sid's arms

They have book half hotel

( Each bedroom have 3 bed )

They all took there room keys

Reem avu and Ashi were sharing rooms

Ashi : sid can you drop d abb i mean avu to room

Sid nodded and took her to room

How was the chapter

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And check out my book stolen Heart ALASMINE plss 🥺

Stay tuned

Byee 🥰

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