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Hey guys let's start

Let's see at Sidneet side

As soon as song changed in to romantic

Sid : wanna to dance my lady ( bowing down and giving one hand )

Avu clucked : sure

She gave her hand in his Sid peak her hand

And pulled her closer and warraped his one hand around her waist avu warraped her one hand around Sid's neck sid picked her up and twirled around

And pulled her closer and warraped his one hand around her waist avu warraped her one hand around Sid's neck sid picked her up and twirled around

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And place her down and pull her closer again he twrill her they both were staring at each other eyes with unknown emotion

Then he twirled her into his  arms

They fell in step, letting the rhythm control their movements. All the scenery and people around them dissolved. It was her and him alone.

Uncontrollable feelings surged through their body, and his  fingers tingles in delight. His hand brushed across her cheek. Their body was acting on its own, no chains to hold them back from this pure paradise.

They danced together their body were pressed to each other

There eye lock was broken by claps

They got apart

And were blushing

They all enjoyed a lot

And went home

After 1 and a  half month

( Guys plss don't curse me i know i am giving leap but from here the main plot of bua dadi will start and her plan that she will start hehe plss bare me)

In this 1 and a half month they all gave there exam nothing much happened they all stayed at avu's home and prachi was busy in her work avu and sid have came close avu always help sid in studies as he was a back bencher and avu was topper so they all enjoyed a lot in this 1 and a half month

Right now all were at avu's home and were sitting as there result is going to come

Sid : it's here

Avu : wow i toped in whole college 98 percentage yay

Sid : wo not bad i got 90 percentage

Ana : i got 89 percentage

Anu : I got 87 percentage

Vashi ; i got 89 percentage

Ashi : same

Muku : i got 95 percentage

Reem : same

Jann : 94 percentage

Sum : i got 89 percentage

Ran/ fasiu :85 percentage

Abhi : i got 89 percentage

Jai : same

Ri : i got 93

Dev : i got 91

Avu : guys let's celebrate it

Ana : ya let's go to club what say

Reem : ya great idea

How was the chapter

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Stay tuned

Byee 🥰

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