Chapter one

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  #baddie message

Welcome to the novel. Just want to say thank you for choosing the novel. Not to waste so much time, I  wanted to let my friends that read the original vision I first wrote know that I edited it more, this time so different so the sweet advice is to read the whole novel again. Want to also say thank you for encouraging me to publish online. The rest I will deal with later. Toss up, lol😅..


A drizzling morning it was, every bird in it's nest and every ant in it's cave. It was Saturday, every body getting outfits for dates when Peri was jogging. She was taking the jogging too serious for her body as her mind flashed to what happened a year back.

  The night when her life ended, a night she wanted to erase probably even forget,a night that pushed her to the dark tunnel with no turning back. She couldn't forget that night cause it left a scar on her body and heart. 

  This just fueled her to run faster than usual, she wanted to stop thinking about it. She wanted to think that every cloud has a silver lining maybe even compare the proverb to her way of life.                                                        Well her head could not go by the saying and her heart just sank when the brain played the pictures of the night. 

Peri's eyes shut, her legs not stopping. Immediately she shut her eyes, all the night images clicked in and she stopped running, her eyes refusing to open as though she was trapped in her own memory. 

Panic rose around her as she turned around,wanting to just open her eyes and thank to God, her eyes opened but on opening the first thing she noticed was herself in the middle of the road and a car moving in her direction in flash. 


                   ••••••.                                                                                    Addiction****

                                                Chapter 1

Peri's POV.                                                              I sat up as soon as I felt like I had gained consciousness. My body hurt and I could really believe that what had happened to me was not a dream. Making things more obscured, I was in a large expensively decorated room. Everything was literally made of gold. 

   The bulb, the bedside table handles, the wall clock etc. It factually felt like paradise on earth.                                                                 Despite the fact that I was a successful lady, I felt my self small here. But this wasn't settling cause I did not know how I reached here. 

I had to know where I was and what I was doing here after all I wouldn't stay here with all the plans I had for the following days. 

With alot of stupidity, I pulled away the cushion and stood up and looked around. But before I could take a step forward,I heard clicking footsteps outside the room and was quick to squat down, the bed acting as my hiding spot. 

My breath hitched and God leaving me there and then, the person walked into the room. The shoe making that sharp noise that hinted presence.                                                   /Shockingly I felt fingers held my hand and with immediate action, I held the hand turned around and took the person to the ground/ *illusion.

Honestly that was just an imagination,I was just shaking but I wasn't hearing the shoe sound anymore.  I controlled my breathing speed and listening keenly for any sounds but everything was hushed proving that I must have had an illusion. 

Ever since I was young, I was one person who would have illusions all time but it had ended some long time ago and I wondered why it came at this time. Sighing I stood up and turned only to almost fall at the sight of a guy in the room. 

(..peri's POV stopped..)

Her breath hitched once again, everything turned to slow whenever she looked deep into his grey eyes, unique and unrated. They reminded her of her young sister who died on the night of misery.

    But his eyes were just the beginning of beauty, when it came down to his lips, nose and skin, one would fall in love immediately. It was so unbelievable of someone to have such perfect features and manage to also have a nice torso.

    He was well built with the modelistic height and his haircut was a mid drop fade shade making him nothing less to Prince Malina, the world most known ever know man on earth who had died in 500AD.              Blinking to stop the admiration, she frowned,

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked stammeringly yet commandful and the reply to her question was letting go of her waist and she fell to the ground. 

"Aaah!" she moaned in pain when she landed down. The guy didn't even flinch and walked in the closet and changed his watch, from a Hublot Big Bang to Patel Philippe Grandmaster Chime. Then walked to the shoë section and picked a Corthay shoe pair of reddish color. 

Being through,he walked out from the closet and opened the bedside table, picking up his wallet and shut it before Peri asked, "Did you just kidnap me?" with a raised brow. He turned to her and gazed at her for awhile before he smirked playfully. 

"Is it because you are beautiful the reason why you think I have kidnapped you?" He walked to her in the process, the gap reducing per metre and for some reason Peri didn't move ,her legs glued to the ground  and she stood still like a pole  not because she wanted but because her body wanted to. 

As there was zero distance between them, he leaned to her side and whispered, "We shall make the rituals for the night. I still have a busy day ahead of me," he then pushed back and looked at her confused reaction, another unheartly smile crossing his manly face and he walked past her and out of the room. 

'What did he just say?' she thought in a daze and snapped out of it. Was that some kind of spell to keep her here, she wondered and turned to look at the door. 

This was her only opportunity to get the hell out of here. 

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