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October 1977

Florence sat up with her legs out on one of the beds in the infirmary. Amara sat in a chair beside her holding onto her best friend's hand for support. The two sat in silence waiting for Madame Pomfrey to return with the test results. A figure burst through the curtains giving the two tense girls a fright.

"Miss Bell, your test results have come back positive. You are indeed pregnant" the mediwitch began.

Florence Bell was in shock. Yes, she was 99% sure she was pregnant. Her symptoms all lined up and the muggle test said so but now Madame Pomfrey had confirmed it. Her heart stopped and she felt like she was frozen in place. Time froze as Florence's world crumbled apart in around her. Madame Pomfrey was talking to her but she did not take in a word she said.

"Florence...Florence...Florence" Amara shook her best friend's shoulder gaining her attention. Florence turned to look at Madame Pomfrey.

"What are my options" Florence questioned Madame Pomfrey.

"There is a multitude of options Florence. I will give you this booklet here with extensive information about all the different options" the mediwitch said as she passed Florence the booklet. Florence nodded unable to make eye contact with Madame Pomfrey or Amara.

"As per policy I have to inform Dumbledore of this with your consent of course Florence," Pomfrey asked.

Florence shuddered. Telling Dumbledore was the worst thing she could ever imagine however she knew it was for the best. She nodded her head agreeing to Madame Pomfrey's request.

"Right you two stay there and have a look through that book. I will be right back with Dumbledore" she rushed heading out of the curtains.

The room stayed quiet as the pair waited for Pomfrey to return with Dumbledore. Florence skimmed through the book as Amara rubbed her back in support.

"Florence, I believe congratulations are in order" Dumbledore spoke as he entered through the curtains. Florence looked up at Dumbledore with a blush creeping up on her cheek. Embarrassment crept up through Florence's chest.

"Now I do believe you need time to make some decisions but I want to ask you. Who is the father" Dumbledore continued?

"James Potter," Florence said her voice cracking as she spoke.

"I assume he is not aware of the situation" Dumbledore guessed.

Florence nodded making eye contact with Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey for the first time since they re-entered the room.

"Before you rush into any decisions I believe the right thing to do is tell him and remember no matter what you decide we will support you" Dumbledore finished as he said his goodbyes and left the infirmary.

"Florence I know this is a lot to take in but I want you to come to see me when you have made a decision" Pomfrey urged giving Florence a supporting squeeze on her arm.

Florence walked out of the infirmary having already made her decision. She wanted to keep her baby. She knew she was only 17 and knew next to nothing about how to raise a child. This was her baby and she was going to do this. She knew she needed to talk to James and tell him. This was his baby as well and he had every right to know of its existence.

"Florence...Amara" a voice called to them down the hallway. The pair turned and found Henry pushing through the crowds to get to them.

"Where have you two been all morning. I was alone in all our shared classes Florence" he whined approaching the pair.

"Wait... why are you guys outside the infirmary. Are you both okay? What happened" he questioned worry flashing across his features.

"Henry, we need to talk. Somewhere more private" Florence suggested grabbing ahold of his arm and dragging him to a nearby empty classroom.

Henry and Amara sat down in chairs as Florence passed around the room thinking how to tell Henry. Henry looked at Amara raising his eyebrows in question. Amara shrugged gesturing her head back to Florence.

"Please when I tell you this don't freak out" Florence begged Henry.

"At the back to school party I slept with James Potter and now I'm pregnant" she blurted out. Henry's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped.

"YOUR PREGNANT" he yelled. Both Florence and Amara shushed him before he said anything else.

'I am going to be an Uncle" he asked as his eyes brimmed with tears getting up to hug Florence. "I'm going to be an auntie" Amara added smiling to herself.

"Are you okay Flo?" Henry asked as he hugged Florence. Florence nodded wiping back her tears with her palms.

"Phew if your okay I can growl at you for sleeping with James freaking Potter. Out of all people Flo" he complained.

"It was a drunk mistake. I had never even spoken to him before this" she said pointing at her stomach.

"I thought he was in love with Lily. He is always publicly going on about it" Henry asked.

"I haven't told him. I'm terrified of how he will react when I tell him I am keeping it" Florence agonized taking a deep breath.

"I can't believe there is a tiny wee baby in there" Amara gushed changing the topic sensing Florence's discomfort talking about James.

The trio spent the rest of the day in Florence's and Amara's dorm much to Florence's dismay of missing a day full of classes.

That night Florence contemplated when and how she was going to tell James. She knew she had to before she went back to Madame Pomfrey. 

A week had passed since Florence found out she was pregnant. Florence had a terrible week. Every morning she woke up and made her way to the bathroom to vomit. She could barely study due to the fatigue and stress of the situation.

She had not yet told James of the situation. There were many times she was close to approaching him but she stopped herself each time. She was terrified he had forgotten the night they spent together already. What if he didn't believe the baby was his. He was head boy and quidditch captain, Florence didn't want to ruin his life.

It was a Saturday morning and Florence and Amara were getting ready together to watch Ravenclaw verse Gryffindor for the first Quidditch match of the year.

"Florence I don't want to stress you out but you really need to tell Potter" Amara announced.

Florence closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I know Ama, I promise I will when the opportunity comes up".

The two headed down to the quidditch pitch. They wore blue scarfs and ribbons in support of Henry as he was the seeker on the Ravenclaw team. Florence spotted James and Sirius talking to Lily and Marlene near the players changing rooms.

"I'll meet you in the stands," Florence told Amara as she pushed through the crowds to reach James. She approached the group of friends.

Florence stood there frozen in fear until Lily spotted her.

"Florence, hey are you okay?" she asked putting all the attention on her.

Florence snapped out of her frozen trance. "Uh hi Lily yeah, I was just wondering if I could speak to James," she asked a blush creeping up on her cheeks. "Alone please," she asked as she realised none of them were leaving the two to talk.

James nodded and shooed his friends away. "Florence, how are you, I haven't seen you since.." James was cut off by Florence butting in.

"James... I'm pregnant". 

OH BABY {James Potter}Where stories live. Discover now