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October 1977

Florence Bell sat on the couch atop the astronomy tower. She huddled closer into the stretched cotton blanket trying to grab onto any warmth as the wind picked up.

Florence was devastated, she believed James did not want anything to do with her or their baby. However, she did not know that James Potter was looking for her via the Marauder's map that very second.

A few minutes had passed when Florence heard a crashing noise. She jumped up with her wand pointed out in front of her ready to protect herself. She could barely see but she heard a voice apologizing.

"Sorry... sorry, I didn't want to scare you" James admitted as he came out of the shadows.

"Potter" Florence sighed and put a hand to her chest to somewhat calm her fast beating heart down.

"Can we please talk?" James asked as he attempted to grab Florence's hand as she moved it away.

"We are talking," Florence sarcastically replied rolling her eyes. 

"Florence I'm sorry for running away earlier. I guess I was just in shock. Also, I'm sorry if you didn't want me to tell anyone but I told Pads...uh I mean Sirius and my mum and I guess that has helped me process this" James mumbled trying to get everything out he wanted to say.

Florence sighed, taking in everything the boy in front of her said. She did feel bad for him. She has had a week to process the shock yet she sprung it on him a few minutes before the first big game of the year.

"Come on" Florence replied, grabbing James' hand and leading him over to the couch "let's sit and talk" she finished.

"What are we going to do Potter? '' Florence uttered, swallowing a sob forcing its way up her throat. James looked down at the girl beside him. He could tell that she was giving it her all trying to keep herself together in front of him. He pushed his glasses up before he reached out and pulled her into a hug.

"I promise it'll be okay. Whatever you want to do we can do okay and please call me James love" he said rubbing the girl's back. All James could smell was lavender. It reminded him of the night they spent together earlier in the school year.

James had forced himself to forget about the night he spent with Florence. He loved Lily. Lily was all he ever dreamt of being with. A tight feeling in his chest appeared when he thought about Lily. She was the girl he had pinned over since his first year and now here he was in his last year of school sitting with a girl he got pregnant that was not Lily.

"James... it's what we want to do" Florence cut James' thoughts off. "This is just as much your decision as it is mine... that is if you want it to be" Florence stuttered, pulling away from James and wiping at the tears under her eyes.

"Of course Florence. Have you thought about what you...I mean we want to do" James asked.

"Yes. I think I want to keep it... that is if you do"

"Whatever you want to do is what I want to do Florence. I got us into this situation"

"I think it takes two to tango James," Florence joked with a smile coming to her face.

James smiled seeing Florence smile. A warm fuzzy feeling hit him.

"Have you told any of your family or friends?" James asked.

Florence's smile dropped at the mention of family. "I uh told Amara and Henry my two best friends" she replied ignoring the mention of family.

"What about your mother or father?" James asked oblivious to the girl's discomfort on the topic.

Florence thought about lying to the boy beside her before she quickly changed her mind. She was pregnant with his child. She was going to have to open up and talk to him.

"My mother and my father died a few years back. I uh live with my cousins in France" she mourned.

James' face dropped. "I'm so sorry Florence. I didn't realize"

"It's fine. It was a long time ago I moved on. Anyways you mentioned you talked to Sirius and your parents"

"Yeah if that's okay with you. Sirius won't tell anyone I promise" he consoled her.

"That's fine Potter... uh James. Is there anyone else you want to tell" she asked nervous to hear his reply.

"I mean I'm not going to tell anyone if you don't want me to but I would like to tell the other boys and maybe the rest of my friends eventually how about you" he queried.

"Uh no one else for me. I have to see Madame Pomfrey again to tell her I want to go through with this" Florence spoke as she pointed to her stomach. "You can come of course but I don't think we should tell anyone else until after we see her. If that's alright?"

"Of course Florence. Sorry I jumped the gun a little".

"It's fine James," Florence replied, squeezing the boy's hand.

The two sat and talked about everything from their childhoods to who their favourite teacher at Hogwarts is. The two disagreed there with Florence's being Slughorn and James being Mcgonagoll.

James eventually walked Florence back to the Slytherin common rooms with the promise of meeting her outside the infirmary in the morning.

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