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Massimo's POV

We soon reached the hospital Val ran inside

"Jason Herbert" she said to the receptionist but she did not reply

Val took out her gun
"You mother fucking bitch if you don't  tell me the room no of Jason Herbert right now I am gonna shoot you " said Val with alot of anger in her tone
"R-Room numbe-r 9-6" the receptionist replied trembling

Val ran again us behind her
We reached the floor we saw uncle sitting there
"He is in surgery right now I don't know how it happened we came out without security because sir said"
Said uncle

"It's ok uncle it's  not your fault" said Val
We waited for 10 minutes soon the doctor came out
Val rushed to him
"Doctor how is my father is he okay?" Val asked
"I am sorry for your loss ma'am but Mr Jason is dead"
It's like the world stopped
Event hough he is not our real father he was still a father figure to all of us
Val and Marcella started crying I was also crying but I had to console them
I saw Antonio entering Val ran to him he was like an older brother to her

Valentina's Pov
As I saw Antonio enter I ran toward him
"He is dead" I said
"H-he is dead Antonio"
"It's ok Val don't cry it will be ok"
He was whispering sweet word which made me calm down I was stuck to him like a kola  he walked to the doctor
"Pls prepare the body for the funeral"
You might think why am I not going to see my dad cause I know if I go inside his image will be stuck in my head a d I will blame it on myself.
We started for home I will be living in the ivano house  for now
It has been two day now
We had the funeral yesterday
Today we all are staying at home to have a movie marathon to lift up our moods
When we heard the doorbell ring I thought it was the pizza I ordered so I told Antonio to go get it cause like I am too comfortable to get up
He got up and opened the door I heard him say who are you and being the curious human being I am I went to the door to see who it is
There were Two people standing there they were in uniform

"Hello sir I am officer Smith I am here in the matter of Ms Valentina  De luca"
As soon as I herd that name I knew why they we here to take me back to
"Yes" replied Antonio
"Sir actually yesterday we got to know that Mr Herbert is dead and as miss Valentina is underage we found some of her blood family who are willing to take her in so we are here to collect her"
My blood boiled when I heard the officer metion them as my family
"Hello officer I am  Valentina I am sorry to say the you would have to go back empty handed as I am not coming with you because my blood family is the 9be I am living with right now" I said
I was going to close the door but
Antonio stopped it
"I am sorry officer  first of allshe will not go with you  and second of all how dare you step inside my property"
Antonio said in a scary tone
"Sir we had a warrent and if you deny us from taking miss Valentina for here that means   you are going against the government"

"Brother can we talk" I said to Antonio

"Brother I want to go"
"Why would you val"
"Did you forget what the did to you"
"No and that is why I want to go back to show them their mistake"
"Please Antonio"
" but if anything goes wrong their I will come and take you back. Promise"

"Watch your back De Luca's"

Hey guys how are youuuuuuu
Well I am not fine cause my sister was recently admitted to hospital and there is a lot going on soooo
I am sorry for updating late hope u understand.

So pleaseeeeeeee


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