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Valentina's POV









"I missed your screams" Was all I heard before I fainted again.

It has been 5 days since I have been kidnapped by none other than Klaus Walter. This scene has been repeating itself again and again since the last 5 days. Nothing changes.

He come down talks sweetly to me calls me all those lovely names and then it just changes then comes the punches and the torture, but he never lets his guards touch me it just him and me locked up in the room.

I woke up till then it was all dark outside, its just what I saw from the small window near me, it means that he is coming back again. Just as I predicted the door opened

"Hello my love, how are you" said Klaus

"I was good until you got here, but oh well I guess its too late to change your life now right?" I said

"Oh still got the attitude I see, its ok i love it so lets talk business are you ready to accept me or no?" he asked

"Listen here bitch boy the answer is no and it always will be so-" before I could complete he threw a wooden chair across the room.

He went toward that chair picked up one of the legs of the chair which now had a sharpened end and the came towards me and stabbed me in my legs.

"Just one yes JUST ONE FUCKING YES IS SO HARD FOR YOU HUH?" He said but he suddenly sat down on the floor

"I love you but you keep breaking my heart again and again, its ok you will come around soon" he said while looking at me as he ran his hands on my thighs

" Eliot come treat her, I will be back very soon my love and then we will have this conversation again" he kissed my forehead. PUKE. Then he walked out.

After he was gone another man came inside with a first aid kit in his hand.
This was Eliot Walter right hand or the younger brother of Klaus. Eliot was the total opposite of Klaus. If it was up to Eliot he couldn't even think of harming a person but unfortunately he respected and love Klaus to much to do anything against him. Klaus made Elliot his little puppet, but they loved each other a lot and no-one can break the bond and trust the have.

Eliot and Klaus's father used to rule the German Mafia but when Klaus was 15 he killed his father and became the head of his mafia. He did it just for the position. Eliot never like his father so he did not have any problem when Klaus killed him. Klaus was very strict with Eliot as a child. Soo whenever Eliot did something he got the same punishment as me, he was brought to the basement kicked, punched, whipped and then left down here.
The thing was Eliot never questioned him for it he thought he just deserved

When Eliot was down here we used to talk and became friends, but we were not to close cause I knew that he could turn against me and time

"Hi Valentina" he said
"Hey bitch" I replied
"You know it would be easier for you if you just say yes, you could even come upstairs with us" he said as he remove the piece of wood from my thighs
"Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK" I shouted
That hurt like a bitch bro

"I would rather die here than say yes to him"
Till then he was finished treating me. He then gave me a medicine says that it was a painkiller so I just ate it. After that he was gone.

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