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Val fell onto the ground after getting shot which did not go unnoticed by anyone Elijah and Marcella ran towards her while the rest of them took out their guns and started shooting. Val was bleeding continuously and the fight was taking too long so Elijah picked her up Marcella followed him he got inside the car with Marcella driving. They soon reached the hospital. Elijah carried Val in a bridal style and ran inside as it was a mafia hospital everyone instantly came to help. Val was placed on a stretcher and was led inside the ICU with a doctor rushing behind.

Elijah's POV

"Doctor please save my sister I just got her back I don't want to lose her again pls doctor," I said begging the doctor.

"We will try our best Mr Elijah please don't lose hope and pray to the lord" he replied with an assortment

I can't lose her again I just can't. the first time she left I was broken, and hopeless I cried to my dad to bring her back but obviously, he did not listen. Everyone got distant after she left but it left a huge impact on mom and dad. Mom fell into depression and dad focused on the mafia to keep him busy. All of us were very young and we took this trauma in different ways.

Andrew was always inside the library surrounded by books and he did not even eat anything for a week. one day he fainted a maid saw him and called us after which he started taking more care of himself but still did not speak much.

I took everything differently after crying a lot I saw how my brothers were suffering so I started taking care of them.

Blake and Ace were an inseparable duo. they started getting into many fights in school. They always came how with bruises on their faces after which I would treat them. After some time they couldn't even live inside the house so they were always out clubbing and drinking and became playboys.

whereas our young brother Savio did not understand much as he was still very young when Val was sent away but when he saw his brother's condition he knew it was a big deal. As he did not have anyone to talk to he was always busy with his guitar. 

I don't want to lose her again as I know this time if she's gone we might not even be able to live with each other and this family will fall apart.

Marcella's Pov

we just sat there I was so scared she was my best friend and seeing her in this condition I just couldn't manage my emotions. I soon heard noises of many footsteps coming in our direction I looked up and saw that it was the guys. I got up and ran to Antoni and Massimo and started crying. there were tears in everyone's eyes. it took me a while to quiet down.

I saw that even Andrew was there but where were the parents?

No One's POV

All the brothers came when they saw Marcella run up to her brother and started crying. No one could say anything they were so many emotions but there was one thing on everyone's mind they did not to lose their Sorella (sister).

" Elijah" whispered Andrew but it was heard by everyone

Elijah looked up his eyes blood red. everyone was shocked to see him crying

"Andrew," Elijah said

"I don't want to lose her again Andrew I just can't do it again," Elijah said broking out in a sob

His brothers were now sacred they all surrounded him and then hugged him

"I just can't," Said, Elijah

It took him a while to quiet down when he spoke

"I am sorry guys and Antonio thanks for the help but you all can leave now and rest" Said Elijah

"No, she is also our sister and we don't have any problem waiting for her" Replied Antonio

Everyone sat down and waited for 2 hrs

The Doctor came out 

" How is she doctor" Ace asked

" She is completely fine now and is just sleeping I am telling you Mr De Luca it's a god's Miracle."

A wave of relief rushed over the anxious crowd.

"thank you so much doctor thank you so much" Replied Andrew

Val was shifted to one of the room. we all went inside the room and waited for her to wake up.

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