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Valentina's POV


My head has been paining since i heard their conversation in the meeting room. I was thinking about it while taking a bath. What Andrew said has been circling in my mind. If he cares so much why didn't he say anything when Victor was putting me in the orphanage?

I remember him being all sweet and caring  to me when I was a child. He would read me stories. We would spend hours in the library me sitting in a chair with a blanket wrapped around me. Him sitting Infront of me with a book in his hand.  

I dont't know where it went wrong.

I just finished combing my hair when i heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Ace 

" Let's go down for dinner  we will introduce to the family" he said while pulling my hand as he took me downstairs

We entered the dining room and saw that most of them were already there

"Come sit down Val" said my grandmother 

I walked towards my seat but one of the boys was already sitting there so I walked toward the next seat which my empty at the end of the table and sat down

"Val-" Said Blake but was interrupted when the door opened in came my grandfather and my uncles along with Victor

"Valentina get up from that chair" Said Victor

"Why?" I asked

"That chair is for your grandfather-" Said Victor but he was interrupted by my grandfather

" It's ok let her sit there" Said Grandfather

He walked toward me and sat down on the chair that was beside me

" Let's start shall me I am sure Farfalla is hungry" Said my grandfather 

I remember he always used to call me his little Farfalla he would chase be all around the house just to feed me. We were so happy.

The maid came with the food when Savio said 

" let me introduce you to everyone" 

" This is our Uncle Paolo the one beside him is our aunt Bianca. They are their sons Rocco and Lorenzo. Uncle Paolo is younger that dad and he is the middle child. The he is our Uncle Romeo and Aunt Camilla and these are their sons Giovanni and Marco. Rocco and Lorenzo are 19 and 18 and Giovanni and Marco are twins and they are 21"

I did not say anything but just nodded at them and started eating my food we were all soon finished.

I was going to my room but I heard some water splashing noise coming from inside the house. I followed the noise and ended up near a door I pushed it open to see a fucking pool I meal a pool connected to my bathroom was already to much and they have a inhouse pool too. I walked inside and saw Rocco was inside the water we made eye contact 

"Oh hi Valentina please come in", he said as I walked inside and sat on a chair beside the pool as he swam to come near me. 

"We didn't get to say hi before I am Rocco your cousin" He said

"Hey" I replied

"I did not know about this pool sorry if I interupted you" I said as I started to get up

"Oh no please sit down you did not interrupt anything " I sat down again

" I dont know if you remember but you love swimming when you were young me and Elilah taught you how to swim" He said

I remember whenever Elilah was busy Rocco was the one who used to play with me

"Yeah I don't remember much from when I was a child" I said

"Oh" I could tell he was a little sad but he covered it up quickly 

"Oh well i was just heading up to go sleep I will see you tomorrow" I said as I got up

" Goodnight Vallie" He said

I was shocked he still remembered. He used to always call me Vallie whenever the boys used to tease me or exclude me from something he would always say "Come here Vallie lets go play something" Then he used to take me to the back garden.  

"Goodnight Rocco" I said as I walked out

I remember that Rocco and i used to plant many plants in the back garden there was a swing set their we used to sit on it for hours and just look around us not talking but it was not required we enjoyed the peace and quite. I was our personal place which was a gift from Grandfather he used to come with me there too. I don't know why but I wanted to go to the garden so instead of going to my room i walked towards the garden.

I went out but I saw that someone was standing there. I went near to see who it was but that person turned around to face me

"Oh Farfalla what are you doing here so late at night" said my grandfather

" Oh i just wanted some fresh air so I came outside" I said 

"Come sit down with me" He said

I went their and sat down we could hear the sound of the crickets. There was no talking its was quite and peacefull I wish this silence could last forever

 But then I heard a gunshot


I got alerted and took out my gun from my waist and my grandfather did the same we went inside and saw some of my brothers out with their guns too

Many men came inside wearing a gas mask soon the house was filled with white gas one by one I saw my family members fall down. I tried to hold my breath and run but someone caught me.

Before I fainted the last words I heard was

"It's time to go home my beautiful Kleine (German: Babygirl)

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