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Elijah POV

It has been 2 months. Two FUCKING MONTHS and we dont have any idea where Valentina maybe. Everyone has been busy trying to find her. The family is not the same.

Andrew is always on the edge. He is staying locked up in the library where he just stares off into space with a children book in his hand, the one that he used to read to Val. Mom and Dad never get out of the office anymore they keep trying to find Val. Sometime when you pass by their office you can hear them sniffing, I know they regret not being good to Val when she was here.

Blake is always mad and doesn't talk to anyone. He always keep throwing thing or getting in fight with someone. Ace has become an addict to drinking, he is always out in the club and never stays at home anymore.

Savio just sits in his room thinking about any detail he could remember from that night, he doesn't talk to anyone anymore except me. My cousins who had just met her are also very sad, that are trying to find any possible leads that could lead us to Val but they are all dead ends. My uncles and Aunts along with my grandparents are trying to do anything they can to help.

All of them have been living with us in our house, no one wanted to leave until we had found Valentina. Our distant family relative who were excited to meet her are also trying to help us. 

I have been working with Antonio for 2 months now with the help of his mafia. Marcella and Massimo have gone to America where they are using Val's mafia to find her. Other mafia's that had close connection with Val have also been helping us a lot. One thing was clear that the German mafia had Val. I believe it was Klaus Walter that has something to do with this. We attacked their original base but they escaped a few minutes  before we reached their. Someone had informed them so now any meetings that concerned Val was only done with family members and the most trusted guards.  

I was sitting near the swimming pool. I remember how I used to teach Val how to swim. I took of my shirt and jumped in the swimming pool. The water around me made me feel calm. I dunked my head in the water and didn't want to get out. I remember how me and Val used to play this game, who could keep their head in the water for the longest. 

Someone then pulled me up.

"WHAT THE FUCK ELIJAH" it was Antonio


I didn't realize how long I kept my head underwater.

The memories of her. I couldn't protect her. I watched how she was taken aways while I couldn't do anything before I passed out.

I felt arms wrap around me, It was Antonio. I just couldn't stop myself anymore, I started crying. We just sat their

"It ok" said Antonio trying to calm me down

"I-I couldn't p-protect-t her" I said sobbing  

"Don't blame yourself, look at me" I looked up at him

"I know you fell like its your fault but trust me its not , calm down Elijah your family need you right now, your brothers need you, Val needs you. we will find her so don't lose hope" He said

"Come on let's go we have a meeting in the home office" He said as he got up and game me is hand to help

We both went outside, I went upstairs to change while he walked toward the meeting room

After a while I came down and went inside, everyone was already there so we started.

" Marcella and Massimo as still in America with Val's mafia but they haven't found anything except some drug bursts of the Germans" Said Antonio

"Our people are spread across Germany but they still haven't found anything" Said Andrew

He used to only come out for the meetings and then go back to the library. He spent all of his time there, he slept their and even had his food there.

" We have to did deeper, Val must be in Germany only" Said Savio

Before anyone of us could say something

"Dig Deeper" said Grandfather

"Dig Deeper" He repeated again

He suddenly got out of his chair and started walking out of the room

"Get me a shovel NOW" He said almost yelling as he walked toward the back garden

This back garden did not exist before it was just covered with trees, When Val was a toddler she was always fascinated by flowers. So when she turned 3, grandfather gifted her this garden. She spent almost all of her time here with Rocco and sometimes with Blake and Me. 

A guard brought a shovel and handed to to grandfather. He headed toward a long tree. This was one of the first plants Val had planted, the others died while this one grew to be very tall.

He went near the tree and started to dig. After a while he stopped and he sat down on the ground and started removing some sand with his hand. He then pulled out a a transparent Ziplock bag. It had a laptop and a pen drive. He went inside and we all followed him.

Grandfather's POV

"Dig Deeper"

The night before the attack

"Sometimes the answers we seek aren't always where they seem. To find what you're truly looking for, remember to dig deeper." Said Val suddenly while she kept looking at the tree in front of her.

"She knew it was going to happen" I said quietly so that only could hear it. I took the packet and started walking inside while the rest followed me.

"Grandpa come on what is in that bag" Said Rocco

I didn't answer him and turned to sit down on a chair. I took out the laptop and the pen drive and inserted it inside the laptop.

The screen turned on, there sat my Farfalla

"Guess you found the video, but as always you were late again. Stupid people you cant do anything right." She said

Yes I was stupid it took me fucking 2 months to figure this out.

" Well know listen to me this laptop contains every information that you will need to get me back. Open the first file that is attached in this pen drive. This file contains the names of the people working in the Italian mafia who are betraying you dumb fucks. Get them but don't kill them lock them up in the basement. Now, Savio go to my room check under my bed there is a carved out area marked with red open it, you will find a tab there. That tab has my live location to the tracker in my mouth. I know that you can track me. "

I can't believe it she is the one kidnapped and she is telling us how to rescue her. Guess we really are dumb fucks

"As one stupid ass once said We are the De Lucas even if I am forced to be, We don't give up on our family"  She said

"Please la mia famiglia don't give up on me" That was the last thing she said and the screen went black (my family)

She remembers.


How are you???

Did you like this chapter? I think I did a good job. Yayy

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