« Eighteen »

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"Hurry up, or we are going to be late, the Uber is already here!" I shouted, as I ran out the front door to the SUV parked on the side of the road

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"Hurry up, or we are going to be late, the Uber is already here!" I shouted, as I ran out the front door to the SUV parked on the side of the road. Getting everyone out of the house at the same time and on time was damn near impossible. Living with each other made us all realize how we were all still a bunch of children.

But soon we would be children with a second car, so we didn't have to fight about getting out the front door as often. At least we hoped it would help.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Aria shouted, running out of her room, trying to place the large hoop earring in her ear. She rushed past me, taking a seat in the van outside.

"What's the rush, we pay them to pick us up, they are on our schedule." Breygan groaned, rolling his eyes. He was lying on the couch, not showing any signs of moving any time soon.

"You don't have to come. After today we won't need you anymore." I snarked back. I wasn't lying. If we were able to get another car then there would be no reason for Breygan to be around. Especially since everyone was still mad at him from last night.

When we got home he didn't really try to make things better. He grabbed another beer from the fridge and locked himself in his room, forcing Aria to sleep on the couch once again. Every morning I woke up and saw Aria there a fire would start inside my chest. Breygan was such an ass at times and lately he was more ass than anything else.

"Ugh, fine!" Breygan jumped off the couch, putting a little hop in his step. Finally, we were all out the door.

I jumped in the passenger seat of the van while everyone shifted in the back. This made me feel even more like the mother of the group. I felt older than I actually was.

The driver pulled away from the curb. I gave him directions as we drove to the car lot not too far from our home. Staton and I had done some research last night about which one was the most reliable and had the best deals for cars. I didn't think any of us would be picky about what kind of car we were getting, but we needed something big enough for all of us, and good on fuel mileage.

And that's exactly what I said to the dealer that rushed over to us as soon as we stepped out of the car.

"Hey guys, my name is Mark. What can I do for you today? Which one of you is looking for a car?" His hands formed into finger guns, scanning each of our faces. A few of us flinched at the sight of his hands, while others just kicked the ground awkwardly.

"Uhh, I guess we all are." I took over, grabbing Stanton's hand for support. Why wasn't anyone else talking? Why were they all acting so weird?

"That's great, just one car between the five of you, or are we looking for multiple cars?" His hands were back at his sides. I crinkle my nose. It felt like he was coming on kind of aggressive and if we were at the bar, I would have already stepped to the side and left. He took another step towards us, and as he did so, his cologne wafted over the group. It was overbearing, but none of us were willing to react. His hair was slicked back, adding a greasy look to his black hair.

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