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The house felt empty without Aria, Breygan and Julia

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The house felt empty without Aria, Breygan and Julia. Even if we didn't interact with them as much as we would have liked, it felt lonely without them.

"Well, what do we do now?" Worry filled my throat. My stomach was spinning, dancing to the rhythm of the butterflies fluttering.

"How much longer do we have in this place before we either need to move or re-new?" Staton asks, his voice traveling through the room over the silence. When everyone else was here, the house was always noisy. Whether it was music or conversations, you could never get a moment of silence. Now it was just too much.

"We have a little over two weeks." I replied, walking over to the kitchen counter to grab the notice we had received earlier this month.

"So it sounds like we need to move one way or another. There's no way we can afford this place all by ourselves." He took the paper from me, searching it over for any information we would need.

"Yeah, most likely we need to move. I have no clue where, though, so we will need to figure that out." The house was a mess, the pillows from the couch thrown all over the floors, all the decorations were either twisted the wrong way or completely out of place when the trio twirled through the room like a tornado, searching for all of their things.

Staton played on his phone, scrolling through anything that could interest him, while I wandered around the house tidying things up. Putting the decorations back in place and cleaning up the old food they had left behind under the premise that it would help us survive.

"Hey, I have a crazy idea," Staton pops off after what felt like an hour or maybe even longer. I paused on the dishes I was washing, drying my hands off on a towel before heading over to sit next to Staton on the couch.

"What is it?"

"How much money do we have left in the account?" His eyes lit up like a toddler on Christmas morning. He knew the answer just as well as I did, but to humor him, I told him.

"A couple thousand, why?" I couldn't tell what he was getting so excited about. The look on his face was hiding everything.

"Like enough to go and buy this travel van?" Staton turned his phone to show me a picture of an old beat-up van that looked like it was from the seventies. I couldn't help but scrunch my nose up at the sight of the exterior, but when he showed me the photo of the inside, I was even more disgusted.

"Yuck! What do you want to do with something like that?"

"We could live in it?" Staton shrugged his shoulders, pulling his phone back so he could go through the photos again. "I mean, it will take some work to get it cleaned up, but we can live in it. It'll be paid for so we won't have to worry about finding a new place to live all the time, and we will be able to travel easier. We don't have to stay here in California. We can get out of this hell-hole."

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