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I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up

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I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up. The rickety old truck still traveling rapidly down the long open road. Staton and Julia were still asleep in the bed, all curled up in the blankets we all shared. The sun was beating down on us, burning my eyes as they tried to adjust.

"How did you sleep?" Staton asks, his hands wrapped around me. His fingers playing with the red hair falling from my head. I guess he wasn't sleeping.

"Hmm," I muttered.

"That good huh?" He smiles, flashing me one of those grins that warmed my heart.

"It was fine, I'm just ready to get out of this truck." I pulled myself away from him, feeling the cool air take his place. It was depressing, the thought of not being wrapped up in his arms any longer but my bones were screaming, calling to me to stretch them out. Even if it was just for a quick moment. I leaned forward until I could feel the pull in my lower back. The wind flying over the cab of the truck pulling my hair with it. Staton scratches my back, sending chills up my spine.

"I wonder where we are going to end up today," Staton shrugs his shoulders, holding his arms above his head as he too allows his body to stretch out.

"I don't know, Breygan said last night we were going to stop in Oregon, but I'm not so sure that is the case anymore. Hopefully tonight we will get to stay in a hotel instead of sleeping in the bed of this damn truck." The window slides open, startling me slightly.

"Morning sunshines!" Aria shouts through the small crack in the glass. Stirring Julia from her sleep finally. She rolls over, holding the blanket over her face as she lets out an annoyed groan.

"What time is it?" Julia snarls, pulling the blanket from her face. She finally sits up, holding her head in her hands.

"It's about a half hour past six in the mornin' and we are about twenty minutes out from our first stop." Aria obviously must have had a better night's rest than the rest of us. Breygan drove us through the night. Staton and I snuggled up while Julia held up the other side of the truck. The three of us freezing, trying to find any sense of warmth and comfort.

But Aria... well, she had a warm seat, a nice place to place her head, and a blanket to keep her cozy. She had timed her time in the truck perfectly.

"What is our first stop?" Staton questions, shrugging as he adjusts his seating position.

"Astoria!" Her voice was louder than I had expected. Startling me for just a moment. I knew we had left pretty late last night but I honestly expected us to be a little deeper into Oregon by now.

"Astoria? That's only 6 hours away from where we started?" I question, trying to figure out why we weren't further away from home. Six hours would never be enough to keep me away from my horrendous mother.

All of us were in a town about an hour north of Seattle Washington. A town called Sammamish. A name we would all make fun of. But something that was held dear to our heart. We all grew up with fond memories and that's why we rushed there after the fight with my mother.

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