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"On the road again

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"On the road again..." I shouted at the top of my lungs. "Just can't wait to get on the road again!" The words were flowing through me as the song played on the radio. Oklahoma took us only an hour or two, just barely crossing into the state before we hit good old Arkansas.

"The life I love is makin music with my friends." I continued singing, tapping the steering wheel with every beat of the song.

"With my friends." Staton echoed in the background, standing in the kitchen area of the van making us some lunch.

"And I can't wait to get on the road again." I sang, finishing out the song as the music slowly faded away. Staton and I both burst into a fit of giggles as he came to sit back down in the passenger seat with our sandwiches.

"I can't believe you know that song." He chokes out, trying to take breaths between each awkward laugh.

"What the hell do you mean, you can't believe I know that song? Are you dumb? Everyone on the planet knows that song. It's like the pinnacle of road trip music!" I shouted, nearly choking on my own laughter.

"Sorry but I am not sure what to tell you, you are not the type of girl that would know a song like that. I'm quite impressed." If I had something to throw at him I would. I couldn't belive he was shocked at the fact that I was singing the song perfectly.

"God, have you never been on a trip with your parents. We aren't so rich we don't drive places."

"We aren't rich at all." Staton corrected, wiggling his finger in the air. He grabbed one of the sandwiches before handing it over to me. I took it with one hand, quickly taking a bite to satisfy my starving stomach. "Our parents have money yes, they are doing quite well for themselves, we on the other hand are broke as a joke, and need to figure out how we are going to make money."

"Ugh don't remind me, I'm already stressed enough with this drive."

"You are stressed?" Staton questions, chewing on his own sandwich.

"I guess, I mean, I don't know. I'm not, not stressed if you get what I mean."

"No, I absolutely do not, and the more I hang out with you in a vehicle for endless hours a day, the more I realize you are insane." Staton teased, grabbing one of the small bags of chips we had purchased before we left.

"Oh come on, I'm not that insane, and don't you dare act like I am." I pretended to give him a death glare, but without taking my eyes off the road for too long so it ended up just being me scowling at the road ahead of me.

"You know you are cute when your nose crinkles like that." Suddenly all the anger I could have built up had disappeared. That's all it took. One compliment from Staton and I was like putty in his hands. He really knew how to mold me into whatever personality he wanted me to have at the time.

"I don't crinkle my nose." I countered.

"Uh, yes you do. I just watched you do it."

"Well stop watching me, that's weird!" I shouted, the words hurting my ear slightly. It's been three days of nothing but playful banter and listening to songs quietly on the radio. The shouting was drastically different than anything else we've heard.

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