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Breygan's POV

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Breygan's POV

The morning was brighter than I had expected it to be. The sun damn near blinding me behind my eyelids. My body was sore, my muscles stuck in the awkward position they were in. The fire had gone out sometime in the middle of the night leaving just the warm embers sparkling in the bottom of the pit.

It took me a moment to figure out my surroundings. The beer that had coursed through my system now left a pounding headache in its wake. A groan echoes from beside me, startling me slighting until I realize it's just Aria.

"What they kicked you out to last night?" My throat was dry, probably from sleeping next to the fire all night. I don't remember when everyone went inside, but not too long after Maple had snapped at me were they all gone.

"No," She mumbled, pulling the blanket around herself. "I didn't want you to have to sleep out here alone."

Why would she do something like that for me? I was awful to her, and she still chose to be there. I didn't want her to do that. The more she did stuff like this, the more she made me look and feel like the asshole everyone believed me to be. I wasn't an asshole, though.

"Why would you do that?" The words came out harsher than I had expected.

"Because I care about you. Don't be so stupid." Her response would have made me chuckle if my head wasn't pounding so aggressively. I'd need to get some Tylenol soon. I dragged myself from the couch. We were lucky it hadn't rained on us last night. I stretched the best I could, trying to relax any of the muscles in my body, but they were too tight to respond.

"I'm going inside," I mumbled, not sure why I felt the need to tell her, anyway. The back patio door was unlocked. Thank god they didn't try to keep us out here last night.

"Don't you dare think it was for you for one second." A voice startles me from the kitchen, the sound bouncing around my head like a shotgun blast.

"The door, it was only unlocked for Aria. She refused to come inside after you had fallen asleep. It wasn't unlocked for you." Staton was sitting at the dining table drinking a large cup of coffee. Shaking my head, I flipped him the bird, fumbling with the doorknob to my bedroom. I'd have some Tylenol on the side table. When I tried the doorknob again, it wouldn't turn.

"That door is also locked. Tony spent the night, and they didn't want to sleep on the couch. They took over your bedroom."

"That's fucking bullshit!" I shouted, reminding myself how bad my headache was. "God damn, I'm going out then." I grabbed a jacket, not caring whose it was, and my keys before heading out the patio door again.

"I'm going into town if you want to come with me." Aria looked at me as if she was freezing and could use the distraction from her cold fingers. Not sure how coming with me would help her with that, but she seemed obsessed with hanging out with me, so maybe it'd at least make her smile for a moment. She jumped up from the couch, following me down the sidewalk and to the truck.

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