« Nineteen »

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"Are you sure we should go and do that today?" The blankets were still wrapped around me, keeping the warmth close to my bare skin

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"Are you sure we should go and do that today?" The blankets were still wrapped around me, keeping the warmth close to my bare skin. Staton moans, stretching his arms as far as he could above his head before wrapping them around me.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I think we should go today." He mumbled, his eyes still closed, his voice full of sleep, his body relaxed as it intertwined with mine. The sun was saying good morning, peeking through the curtains to our bedroom. Waves from the ocean crash against the sand.

We were so lucky to have found a place like this, and this kind of paradise couldn't last forever.

"Fine, I think we should do it." I smiled. Butterflies filled my stomach at the thought of sneaking off with Staton.

"Really?" He mumbled, smacking his lips as he asked the question. I nodded in response. I wanted to marry this man more than I could ever imagine. He was the perfect guy and I'd be insane to not be with him for the rest of my life.

Getting married also meant we were making the commitment to never go home again. At least not in the way we left. I'd never have to live with my mother. I'd always have Staton and we'd always have to figure things out together.

"I don't see why we should wait any longer. I mean, we've already been engaged for over a week. That's like a lifetime for us young people." I winked, my fingers brushing through his hair. He had rolled over to wrap his arms around me, resting his head on my chest as he finished waking up.

I watched the ocean dance with the sand, pulling further into the sea every single time. Today seemed like the perfect day to get married.

"Well, should we get dresses, then? Are you going to wear that cute dress that I really like?" When Staton pulled away, he left a void in the bed, and the cold air from the room rushed to fill his spot. I shivered slightly, pulling the blanket further over my arms.

"What dress?" I couldn't pinpoint which one he was specifically talking about. Anything I wore, he would tell me how it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"The white one with the puffy sleeves?" He pointed towards the closet.

"I guess I could wear that. It is the nicest dress I brought with me." When we left. I hadn't packed much, and since I didn't like dresses in the first place, I didn't spend a lot of time or space on them.

"I think I would really love it if you did. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to wear to get married to the most beautiful girl In the entire world. No one will be looking at me, though. I didn't really bring a nice suit or anything." Staton dug through his drawers, looking for anything that would resemble wedding attire.

"I don't want you to wear a nice suit or anything like that." After grabbing the white dress out of the closet, I closed the distance between us. I opened the other drawer of shirts and pulled out a white button-up. After grabbing some nice jeans for him, I sat them all on the bed. "There, that's what you should wear. Plus, we don't want anyone to know where we are going, so we can't look too nice. They will start to ask questions."

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