Falling Angel.

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Elizabeth's POV-

There I stood. Observing the rather large oak wood door, towering over me. My suitcase clutched firmly in my hand, causing my palm and fingers to ache. Over the years, visiting my grandparents I never had the chance to admire the finer details within the wood work. The cold autumn breeze brought me out of my trance, finally placing the key within the door handle. Opening it up, welcomed by the emptiness and coldness filling the air. Without the furniture scattered around the entrance, it seemed so lonely and forgetting, like no life had been living inside of it. Fond past memories of me running around with my sisters played in my mind as I walk further in.

My grandparents had found a small cottage in Ireland to live out their finally days as the time began ticking down for them both. No use for the mansion, they handed it down to me, their youngest grandchild. I was grateful, no words could explain how flabbergasted I was to be gifted such a present. My sisters were happily settled in their suburb houses, while I remained an unadventurous girl living at home with her parents. Yes, moving to Scotland, alone, to live in a two storey mansion was a bold agreement, but I have to start somewhere.

After setting down my case on the bottom step of the spiral staircase, I began my tour around the rest of the building, taking myself down memory lane. Most of the furniture was sold or taken to the cottage, but most remained in its original place setting. Being able to appreciate the small things now, I fell in love with the open kitchen. A marble counter, with copper rails. A skyline shining down on the room, leaving it lit enough to not have a light on. A few leather stools surrounding the island. Dark cherry wood cabinets, showing their age as they stay seated within the sun. A five ring stove sat in the middle on the counter. I was in awe.

Finally bringing myself out of my day dream, I brought my attention to the lonely door that was behind me. Every visit, grandpa always reminded us never to enter the room that was behind it. No one questioned it and accepted his demand. A small part of me had always been curious as to what just might be behind the mysterious door. The cool metal made contact with my hand as I begin to find out a long awaited answer.

My eyes widen in shock.

"Oh... my... gosh"  I breathe out, stunned by the ceiling high bookshelves. Books in every slot. Old and new. Paper and hard back. Singles and collections. I was stunned at the beauty that had been hidden for years. I traced by index finger over the spines, walking further into the maze. Ladders leant against the top shelves. A leather arm chair sat by a arch window, with a single coffee table beside it. An old cup was left standing by a small lamp and a copy of Dickinson's Christmas carol. I take a seat on the chair, looking at the surrounding bookcases.

I jump a little at the sudden thud echoing throughout the room. I hear a groan, causing me to investigate. Turning a corner, I was greeted my a brown haired girl trying to get up from the ground. Her hair in a bun with a pencil threading through it. A white shirt tucked into black trousers. A few rings decorated her fingers. Once she found her footing, I kept my eyes on the unexpected stranger watching as she dusts the dirt off her suit trousers. "Hello?" The girl screams in surprise making me flinch at her response
"My god" she speaks, placing her hand upon her chest right above her heart "My god" she sounded more surprised, walking closer "Sorry. It's been a while since someone has come in here" the girl extends her hand out to which I hesitantly take a hold of "I'm Y/n. Y/n Mycroft" she introduces herself but I was preoccupied by the British accent lacing her speech.

"Elizabeth Olsen" I snap myself back to reality "I'm sorry. You said it's been a while since someone had been in here, what do you mean by that?" I question, pulling my hand back
"Ever since the lovely couple that lived here, moved out, no one comes in. The elder man came everyday for an hour, sat in the leather chair. Said he was getting away from this world to be lost in another" she answers, pushing up the circular glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose.

"I've been here every summer for 24 years. I've never met you before, why?" I inquire, with a raised brow
"I'm not part of the Olsen family, Ma'am. Never wanted to intrude. I was quite happy staying in here, cleaning and organising"
Y/n's small smile lifted her freckled cheeks up, brightening her honey eyes.

"But my grandparents never even mentioned you. We were banned from this room" I explain, hopping I'll be able to wrap my head around the situation
"Sir Olsen loved all of you dearly but also enjoyed to be by himself. Hence the only chair in this room" she points to the seating area behind me "He'd exchange conversation upon entry, talking about you all, asking what books I recommended once he finished one. He was a kind gentlemen" I nod in agreement knowing all my grandpa did for this country and others "We agreed it be best if I stay behind. To not interfere"

"Why didn't you leave when they did?" I tilt my head in curiosity
"Someone had to keep this place tidy for the next owner" she chuckles softly, causing my lips to tug upwards a little at the angelic sound "Don't worry Ma'am, I won't intrude on your life while you live here" she assures me but I hated the idea of her being hidden, when such beauty as she holds remains behind a closed door.

"I have no complaints if you are to leave this room. Plus, it'll be like having a roommate which will be nice especially in this place" we both share a sweet smile. Like any good moment, it has to be interrupted and never savoured. My stomach growled, causing a wave of embarrassment to wash over me. "There's a local fish and chip shop down the road, within the town" Y/n mentions
"Sandy's Fish Bar. Was a family favourite" she nods "Would you like anything?"

"Oh no. I'm perfectly okay, thank you" she declines, heading back over to the ladder she feel from. I watch her reach the top, sneezing cutely into the crease of her elbow as the dust falls from the shelf. I decided to leave her alone, not wanting to impose. Making my way out of the room, I go to close the door but decided to leave it open. Allowing it to connect to the kitchen, not blocking it off anymore. I had always dreamed of a having a library in my home, this was a perfect start. Plus the librarian was an added cute bonus.


A happy book... 😏

Stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

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