One Last Kiss.

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Elizabeth's POV-

"You'll call the house?" Y/n follows my every move as I gather up the remainder of my belongings for just a trip "Everyday? At least in the evening, even when you find yourself with nothing to do, or-" my lips seal hers shut, causing the girl to softly sigh
"I will be in contact, everyday, you have my word baby" I rest my hand on her chest, as the firm grip of her hands hold onto my waist
"A week is not necessary. I can hardly stand five minutes without you, let alone a week. You've cursed me, my love" I slowly twist the locket hanging off her neck, losing myself in those soft honey eyes
"How awful of me. If only you'd have been able to stand on a ladder properly, like most can, you'd be free of such issue"

"Mhmm... is it really you whose telling me to function normal like others? Seems I need to remind you about the lack of mobility you suffer when you've begged me-" I smack my hand over the girls mouth in order to silence her, despite having no one in close proximity to hear her words
"Be quiet or I'll extend the trip" I threaten, feeling the wicked smirk hidden behind my palm
"You would not dare of such a thing" Y/n removes my hand, holding it within hers, leaving delicate kisses against my knuckles "Not when you love me so dearly"
"Oh I do, do I?" She nods confidently "My dork" I smile sweetly "I will truly miss you, though it's for a short period of time"
"The feeling is reciprocated" her forehead rests gently on mine
"I best come home to a clean house, not one that's fallen to ashes" placing my arms around her neck, savouring the last few moments we share
"I can promise you just that"

The kiss felt far more meaningful than those we've shared before, however my heart still races and my stomach still swarms with a million little butterflies. "Go" her faint whisper was barely audible had I not been standing so close "Before I keep you from doing so" I nod in agreement, my hands slip from their resting place as I begin to take my leave
"I love you"
"I love you too"


"Remain safe, my love xx"

I smile giddily like a little girl towards my phone, warmth radiating throughout my body. "Elizabeth!" My fathers roar echos around the house, pulling me back to reality "Your mother is speaking, are you not going to acknowledge her words?"
"Oh don't bother dear, I'm merely a disturbance" my mother sighs
"I do apologise. Please may you continue" slipping my phone away from view, to stop any form of distraction or temptation as I solely focus my attention towards my parents
"Why waste my breathe even more?" The elder woman stood, excusing herself from the conversation
"See what you have done? Not even 30 minutes in this house and you've already disrespected your mother. Had we not raised you with manners?" His voice grows heavier with each scolding word "Why couldn't you have followed in your sisters footsteps?"
"My dear son, what is it with you and Elizabeth always bickering? The girl hasn't been here for months, avoiding such thing as this, greet her not give my granddaughter more reason to refuse a visit" the sound of her voice brings back the old comfort in which she brought before
"Hello, sweetheart" my grandfathers arms open wide, signifying he would like a hug which I happily give "We've missed you dear girl"

"How has Scotland treated you? Have you managed to settle in? You don't find yourself to alone do you?" My grandmother rambles as we set ourselves around the dinner table
"Love, let the dear girl have a chance to inform us before you question any further" I chuckle lightheartedly to myself, knowing just how intrigued she must find herself
"It's truly be an incredible and eye opening experience, so I must thank you. I did happen to meet the Garfield's, in the little bakery? Informed me on all the paranormal actives happening at the manor but feeling alone? I don't get even a chance for such a thing"
"How'd you mean, sweetheart?" The elderly man opposite questions, handing me the tray filled with steaming roasted potatoes
"Oh, Y/n and I have grown quiet fond of one another. She's like a breath of fresh air, how you kept her to yourself all these years I do not know" I reply, passing the tray to the next.

"You went into the room? In which I forbade you from?" He sternly interrogates, watching nothing but my reaction
"I did but you really didn't expect me to not enter a room, in a house in which I own, did you?" I ask, shocked but such a response from the man I adored my whole existence
"What are the both of you talking about? Who is Y/n, dear?" My grandmother looks between her husband and myself, waiting for an answer
"She's no one" I'd argue a different reply but he continued with his "As for you, I'm far from disappointed that you disobeyed me" the man removed himself from the table but I wasn't allowing him to think it was over, not when so much was unsaid.

"I'm truly sorry for not following your orders but Y/n is not no one. She's someone of importance to me, I will not allow you to dismiss her when all she was, was nothing but respectful to you and the household" he was surprised by such words "She adored you, much like I do her. Don't you dare belittle her!"
"Sounds as though you've grown to love her, dear" my grandmother's hand trails down my arm
"I have" he shakes his head, unhappy
"You shouldn't have of opened that door" i groan as he begins again
"Why not? What was so important you had to keep hidden?" I sigh frustratedly
"Her! She's the one haunting that house. She's the ghost!" All eyes surrounding widen, including my own at the out burst of knowledge.

"What?" I barely utter the word.


HELLO! It's been a hot minute, I do apologise but I had zero effort.

Also, what a way to come back, Ay? 😂.

As always, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

Ps: Go check out my bro who had also made a comeback, BrainiacMainiac

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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