The Promised Date.

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Elizabeth's POV-

The honeymoon phase. A phase in which every couple experiences, sometimes it'll last a few months until reality hits or, if lucky enough, it'll last a lifetime. For me, these past three weeks have been heavenly. Y/n's constant showering of affection, little handwritten love notes, listening intently at every word that leaves my mouth, all these, plus much more, make me believe I'm on cloud 9. As of right now, the sweetest smell lingers in the building but I'm unable to answer my curiosity as Y/n placed a ban on the kitchen. Accepting defeat that my persuasive words and attitude did not allow me entry, I journeyed up to my room, giving myself enough time to get ready. Y/n's only request for the evening was that I'd wear something formal.

With the needle placed upon the vinyl, light hums of Taylor Swift's Fearless plays through the silence. "You belong with me" I sing. Hair brush in hand mimicking a microphone. Gently sways of my hips. Reenacting my teenage years. A soft gasp passes my lips as hands connect with my waistline "Hi gorgeous" a voice I've been longing all day to hear, whispers. Goosebumps trail down my body. "Would you, Elizabeth Chase Olsen, care to join me for dinner?"
"I shall. It's a date" I joke. Turning myself around, I meet her loving, mesmerising gaze "I've missed you, baby" my lips push against hers, enabling the girl to answer back. Y/n quietly chuckles, mumbling "Darling, I fear the food may run cold" she musters up her strength to pull away "I'm more than happy to continue this later but I promised a date, did I not?"
"So you did, honey" I smile brightly, stepping out of her grasp.

"Elizabeth, I must state you look beyond beautiful" she compliments, eyes trailing along my figure. A short, black, cotton, off the shoulder, dress clinging to my body. Hair held high in a tight ponytail. Light, natural makeup. Minimal jewels. "Absolutely breath taking, dear. Truly" a red blush pokes at my cheeks. Though I have one or two nicknames I call her, Y/n's list was endless. Each one special in there own way. With a single delicate kiss laid upon my hand, the brunette leads me along the scented trail, which grew more intense the closer we became.

"Close your eyes, sweetheart" she instructs, centring me into place. With my vision blocked, my other senses heightened. Creaking of the sliding doors captured my hearing. Sweet aromas tingled my smell. A slight breeze brushed against my skin. "Do you trust me?" Her sweet voice speaks quietly. Hesitant to the sudden questioning, I delay my answer "I promise that question is not going to lead you into danger"
"I trust you but be warned Mycroft" I point a finger in the direction I assume she is "If you so much as betray that trust-" she cuts me off with one of her soft kisses.

"I promise"

With those two words, I let my guard down. Y/n's thumb grazes across my bottom lip, leaving my mouth ajar before placing something on my tongue. My shoulders drop in relief as I began chewing, tasting flavours I have never experienced. I moan in appreciation "That's a beautiful sound" she humours, ghosting a finger along my cheekbone. I shake my head with a childish smile, smacking her hand away. "Honey as much as I do trust you, am I able to open my eyes?"
"You may"

With conformation, I slowly gain my sight back, adjusting to the bright light's surrounding. "It's beautiful" I comment breathlessly, admiring such a romantic setting. Fairy lights strung from tree branch to tree branch, circling us. Two covered dishes, set neatly upon a cream coloured table cloth. Quilted cushions sat on the outdoor chairs, providing comfort away from the metal framing. My whole definition and idea of love was now being rewritten. "Thank you" I place a kiss on Y/n's cheek, leaving behind a light,  brown lipstick stain. "A little souvenir"

The concept of time was merely forgotten, as the two of us indulged in flirtatious small talk and humours chatter. The dishes served were nothing but perfection, I almost envy the girls ability, almost. "Have you ever considered hosting a dinner party? Most would enjoy, I can guarantee" I suggest, sipping the final contents in my wine glass
"My experience with dinner parties are catastrophic. Each one hosted by my parents, each one had some form of drama occur. I prefer dining alone or with someone's company I enjoy" she answers, her thumb brushing over my knuckles
"I have only ever been to one. At the time my anxiety was at peak. Even tho I was surrounded by my family and Robbie, I became anxious, which then lead to having an attack" I explain, taking a deep breathe. Before either one could speak, our attention was captured by the falling water drops from above. Both looking up, we watch dark clouds take over the stary night. Gasping as the rain fell heavier, I shoot up from my seat. Jogging towards the entrance, I was pulled back.

Before questioning my girlfriends actions, her lips placed themselves perfectly onto mine. Melting away, forgetting completely about the storm, I kiss her back. "What is this some type of fairytale book?" I chuckle breathlessly "You make me feel like I'm in a fantasy"
"Could say we have a fairytale type of love, dear" she grins cockily before kissing me under the pouring rain.


Been a hot minute 😅.

How's it going??

As always, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌.

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