Chapter 25

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Warning: this chapter has violence and scenes that might make some readers uncomfortable.

On the bright side it didn't take as long for me to write and upload this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.


Tuesday sucked majorly, but I was hoping that Wednesday would be better. Boy was I wrong. When I woke up this morning the weirdest feeling of dread washed over me, but I pushed it down and carried on. I knew something was wrong right when we all entered the school building. We knew that, since I lost it for a bit, that there would be rumors surrounding the incident, but this was not what I expected. These people weren't gossiping about mine and Darcy's group clashing. Oh no, they were gossiping about the two of us fighting over Max and Rico. They weren't sure which alpha we wanted from what I could tell.

Although they weren't too far from the truth for once it was not good. If the upper officials in the school system were to look into those rumors things may get a bit sticky. Rico and I may be mates, but that doesn't make our relationship ok in the eyes of the human law.

The whole thing was now going in a downward spiral, and I had no one but myself to blame. I should not have let things get this out of hand. But now that things have gotten to this point, I should prove a point and reassert my position.

My plan was to start with Darcy and her followers. I am sure that she or one of the chicks in her group started the rumor about me wanting to fight Darcy because I am supposedly jealous of her looks and that she has a hot alpha. That is a completely outrageous lie. In order to bite the head off the snake I am going to make it so that bimbo can no longer open that ugly little mouth of hers.

People like her are the reason blondes have such bad reputations. Darcy is a tramp that likes to cause trouble and uses her body to get what she wants.

After the first nuisances are taken care of I am going to affirm my dominance as alpha. Female or not I am an alpha, and respect is nonnegotiable. It will not be today seeing as Nina is exhausted from fighting off Izaiyah's spell and is relying on my strength and energy to continue doing so.

If everything goes as planned, which considering my luck it won't, the situation should clear up. Even though there is a big possibility things will not go as planned, I must do this anyway. If my parents come back to find that the pack's loyalty is in disarray because I could not even handle a spat over my mate, then there would be no point in them allowing me to take the throne.

All throughout first period people were glancing at Brianna and I, whispering things. After a few minutes of this I had had enough. A sent a low warning grow throughout the classroom that had everyone flinching. Even the humans seemed affected. It was worth it since the glancing and whispering stopped.

Walking through the halls during passing period was exactly the same. Brianna and I met Leala and Bridget during this time to talk about this. According to Leala and Bridget the same things were happening to them. The whispering was happening as we spoke, literally.

Bridget got seriously ticked off by this and decided to do something about it. She broke away from our four person meeting and approached a group of she-wolves. The she-wolf that had been talking froze mid-sentence. Bridget put on a fake smile that was more menacing than friendly.

"What were you girls talking about?" she waited for a reply, but continued when one wasn't given. "You wouldn't have been talking about my friends and I, would you?" Bridget's friendly tone was slipping by now. "I mean you really could not be saying anything meaningful since you do not know any of us on a personal level. You also do not know the details of the event that took place that you have decided to gossip about. It would be a shame if someone got upset about the lies you are spreading and decided to remove your tongue wouldn't it?"

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