Chapter 36

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I was sitting in a café. I took a sip of the tea which helped to soothe my throat. I was thinking about everything that had happened so far this week. Then the door to the café swung open revealing a tall muscular man. He looked vaguely familiar with his dark brown, blackish hair and dark brown eyes with red flecks.

As if sensing me staring at him he looked over at me and froze. The minute our eyes met I know I knew him from somewhere. I felt an instant connection to him. He walked over to me and stood beside the booth I was sitting in. "Hi" he said. His voice was rough and thickly accented.

"Um hi, can I help you?" he gave me a puzzled expression.

"Do you not know who I am?"

"You seem familiar but no. I don't think so," he smiled crookedly.

"I'm your older brother, Kane."

"Brother? I only have a younger brother," hurt flashed across his face. I felt bad that I really could not remember him, especially if he's family.

"I don't expect you to know me. Mom and dad sent me off to a boarding school when we were little." He frowned. Where are my manners.

"Please have a seat." I motioned for him to sit. He thanked me and took a seat across from me in the gray booth.Looking him over I could see the resemblance. He looked like a young version of my father. The same jaw structure and build as my father but the nose of my mother. "I believe you. I've just um... had a problem with memory lately. Some things happened and ya."

"Oh. Um. Would you like to talk about it?" The situation with Izaiyah and all that mess was just too much for even me to process.

"How about another time. Um, look I'm gonna have to go pretty soon so maybe you can stop by my pack house later? We can probably talk more then."
I know they are going to come looking for me soon. I'm not allowed to get upset and want some space and time to myself.

"Er... OK. Sounds good." I grabbed a napkin and wrote down the address and my phone number before passing it to him.

"Well it was nice seeing you, Kane."

"You too, Valentina."

"Please call me, Vayln. Valentina makes me feel old."We both laughed at that as we stood up and he hugged me.

The bell chimed as I heard the door of the café swing open. Loud growls sounded through the air. The loudest one stood out to me and made shivers run down my back. Rico.

Kane instantly released me, but put me behind him and stood in a protective stance in front of me.

"Who are you?" Rico growled while death glaring Kane. Ozzie, Noah, and Sergio all flanked my mate. This was not going to be good.

"What's it to you?" Kane smirked sizing up the guys. Rico took a step forward as his eyes slowly began to darken.
I jumped around Kane and in between the males.

I always end up as the middleman in these damn conflicts.

Both Rico and Kane made a move to grab me. I growled and dodged them both.

"Okay boys that's enough testosterone for one day. Quit your posturing and listen up." We had eyes on us so I wanted to end the situation before it became a bigger issue. "Kane is going to come to the house later." Before Rico could protest I continued. "Kane is my older brother and I'd like to get to know him better. Plus after the day I have had I believe I'm going to get what I want." I leveled them all with a hard glare.

"Kane, this is my mate Rico, his beta Ozzie, his third Noah, and my sentinel Sergio. I hate to be rude, but it has been a long day and I'm going to take a nap before any more excitement can take place."

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