Chapter 22

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Rico followed us to the Pack Training Center in his car while I was being asked a million questions by the girls.

I changed shirts once we reached my house to drop off the witches. We were currently at the gate of the Pack Training Center. The huge iron gates were spiked at the top with a big BM on the main front gate.

I man's voice came on the speaker but I cut him off before he could say much. "It's your alpha, my mate, and Knights. Open the gate."

There were cameras everywhere so it's not like they couldn't see who it was. Within a few seconds the gates opened. We drove in down the long dirt driveway.

The main edifice was a two story, sandcastle color building that had a workshop and nine car garage around the back. Once the cars were parked I went through a door that led into the kitchen area of the main building.

"Bert" I called out searched for him. I ran up the stairs to the second floor. After checking the blue matted training room I decided he had to be in the weight room.

Taking a left down the lengthy hallway I entered the double doors leading me into a room with exercise clothes hanging in racks on the walls.

There were shelves for shoes and socks and benches to sit on. I maneuvered my way through the store like room to the actual weight room.

As I thought Bert was there. I called out to him once again. By this time everyone else has caught up to me. A false smile made its way onto his face informing me he was about to spout off a bunch of unnecessary bullshit.

Before he could get a word out I directed him to cut to the chase.

"Ok. Well the pack hasn't been coming to training lately. The warriors have become lazy and stopped attending their practices as well."

I growled. It's a serious issue that will be dealt with accordingly, but it's not a good enough reason to have called all of us there.

Irritated I asked if there was anything else. Sadly there was.

"Yes. The real reason I called you here was because there have been three disappearances in the last month. This may not seem like something that requires your attention I know. But they have all looked the same. Dark brown hair, grayish blue eyes, 5'10, your complexion. It's Izaiyah. We just got pictures back from places nearby where the girls were taken. He has accomplices, but their faces couldn't be made out. They also didn't have any distinguishable characteristics. Worse than that. Two pack members recently went out of town for business. They never came back. They've been gone for two weeks. Those two members disappeared the day after our pack meeting. That is truly why I called you here."

Bert put his head down.

I wasn't sure whether to be mad or sad. Rico came up and wrapped his arms around me in a possessive yet comforting way.

I turned around and laid my head on his chest trying to think about what to do. Whatever my plan of action it needed to put my pack on high alert yet not make them feel like they were in danger.

Rico could probably sense my indecision. He pulled me to the side while the girls questioned Bert further.

After talking with Rico we figured out the best option for the next step we would be taking.

My orders were carried out immediately. A pack meeting was set up for Friday. All of my warriors would be coming arriving in the next half hour. My scouts were to arrive at the same time to be briefed. After all my orders had been barked out I got a call from one of my human friends.

She invited me to her birthday bash in black and gold. For appearances sake it was decided that we should attend things like this so I agreed.

Sadly the party was on Saturday so I would have to cancel the pack training and set it back a day. I hadn't checked my mail since I got back, but she said she sent out the invitations a week ago.

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