Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

This is a filler chapter. It's also really short. Sorry. I'll be posting again 2mrw Remember to vote and comment.~~~~~~~ Autumn

I mind linked Leala telling her what happened. "OK. Tuesday your house 6 got it."

"Ok well I'm just gonna crash out over here I guess."

"Party pooper." Brianna whined.

"Well I'd rather not get taken by one of the guys any have them do something. They know their boundaries but they like to see how far they can push them."

"Good point. I guess we'll just have to see you tomorrow." Leya agreed.

"Otay well g-night guys. Sweet dreams. Call or mind link if you need something. Loves y'all."

"Love you to Vayln."


I went back upstairs ,took a quick shower,and changed back into my PJ's. I set the alarm downstairs. My mom insisted on having one. Which made no sense to me but I still use it even though she's not here. I called the dogs and went back upstairs.

"Lightning, are you sleeping with me or in Zakkur's room?" He followed Thunder to my room. I laughed and shook my head. The plush black carpet added to my want to sleep. I felt exhausted both physically and mentally. I laid there staring into space waiting for sleep to overcome me. It finally did.

I was walking through the woods barefoot in a fitted white silk gown. It flowed down to my ankles with a slit going up the left side to my mid thigh. As I walked I reached out and touched all the leaves and trees that I passed. After walking for a few minutes I came to a beautiful clearing. It had a small stream that ran next to a large tree.

There were flowers scattered across the clearing. Pink, yellow, baby blue, and small little green clovers. There was a large boulder with a rounded top close to the tree. There was some shimmering coming from the top if the boulder. Soon the shimmers began to take the shape of a woman.

She was tall with dark brown hair that flowed down to her waist. She was very beautiful. She had a perfect complexion of a light tanned brown. Her eyes were the color of a full moon. The dress she was was as dark as the night sky and seemed to flow down her body yet let you see all of her curves. I didn't want to stare and be rude but it was hard to look away. She seemed almost transparent with the way the light almost seemed to reflect off of her. I could feel the immense power radiating off of her. I gave a small curtsy and bow of the head.

"Hello Valentina and Nina. I've been waiting for you."

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