Chapter 20

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Don't forget to watch the video on either the top of side of your screen. A/N at the end. Enjoy the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in a chair next to Rico's hospital bed waiting for him to wake. It had been two days since the puck was pulled from him. My doctors were working closely with witches to make sure they were doing everything possible to ensure Rico made a full recovery.

I was spending my time going back and forth between Rico and my mother hoping that someone would wake up. Only slightly crazed I eventually just started pacing back and forth between the two separate wings of the hospital until Brianna's mom threatened to tranquilize me if I didn't pick a room and sit down.

I figured Rico had a better chance of waking so I stayed with him. I'm not sure if it's apparent, but being in hospitals makes me a little crazy and tense.

A quick visit doesn't affect me too much, but these long stays unhinge me. Despite this I refuse to leave until one of these people wakes up. Other than my mom and Rico no one else resides in this hospital.

The main use for it is as an obstetrics office. We haven't had any wars or anything like that in about three decades, and werewolves don't get sick or injured badly enough to be sent to hospitals normally.

Besides the doctors, nurses, receptionists, my mother, Rico, and I the hospital is empty. Leala has been staying at my house for the last couple days since she's about to go into Heat.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This week hasn't been good so far. It's seems like it just continues to get worse as it progresses. I got a letter in the mail today from Mina and Zakkur telling me that they are stuck in South America because of two warring packs.

Apparently the King and Queen have known about the packs hate for each other and the threats that were recently made, but did nothing.

If my baby brother or aunt get hurt because Prime's dumbass didn't do anything I will raise hell. That's a fact. At this point in time Mina's not sure when they will be back. I understand because there safety comes before my want for them to be home.

I grabbed Rico's hand and squeezed it. My phone then started vibrating in my pocket forcing me to let go of my mates hand. The number that popped up wasn't one that I recognized.

Nonetheless I answered. "Hello?"

"Valyn is that you?"

"Yes. Bane?"

"Yes. It's me. My father and I have made some major progress on the possible whereabouts of your father. The problem being that the place that we think he's in is under evaluation by some part of the human government. There was a recent murder of five humans that were in the nearby woods."

"That puts a damper in our plans, but progress is progress. I'm glad that you guys have moved forward some since I left."

"Thank you. How have things been since you returned?" With a sigh I began to give a short overview of what events have taken place.

The line was silent for a minute. I almost thought he'd hung up. "Wow... You've only been back for like three or four days. I feel for you. Maybe when we get your father back things will be easier for you. I would've gone insane by now if I were you."

I mumbled my agreement. We talked for about five more minutes before the call was ended.

Once again I entered the hospital room of my mate taking a seat next to him. This time when I grabbed his hand there were no interruptions. As I sat there holding onto my mate with the thought of losing him like I did my mom I realized my true feelings.

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