Chapter One

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Lily's pov

My life is perfect, I have a million friends, I love book club and art club, I love my dance lessons, I'm so happy! At least, that's what I would say if my life was actually like that. My life couldn't be further from normal. My mother is strict but strict doesn't even begin to explain my mother. But, I'm getting ahead of myself so I'll begin by introducing myself. My name is Lillianna Grace Monson and I'm eleven years old. My mother is Lucille Marie Monson and she's fifty years old. My mother is beyond strict and I'm not allowed a lot of things. My mother has certain expectations and rules such as:

No friends over EVER

No birthday parties EVER

No vacations

No breaks

No non-academic clubs or activities

No  grade lower than and A+

No phone past seven pm

No Computer after 6:30pm

No TV unless it's academic

No movies unless it's academic

No music

No books unless it's academic

No imperfect clothes

No messy hair

No makeup

Always have perfect manners

My mother values perfection over everything, over fun, over happiness, over everything. I'm not allowed to have fun very often because I'm usually studying or being grounded. I get grounded over any little offence and it varies depending on the offence. One time, I got grounded for a week because I was watching a tv show that wasn't academic. Another time, I got an A- on a test so I was grounded for a month. I spend so much time either grounded, studying, or at school, I really don't have time for anything else. There has been physical punishments as well, I've been burned, whipped, cut, and bruised more times than I can count. The first time, I was five and I spilled a cup of milk. My punishment was getting whipped, she whipped me twice with the belt and then I was grounded for two days. Another time, I got a couple of A minuses on my report card when I was in the sixth grade and she took a hot pan to my hand. I got a pretty nasty burn that day and I still have the scar. I was also grounded for two months, one for each A-. I used to think that this was normal, that everyone's mother behaved that way but then I saw other kids with their mothers and heard their stories, I realized while listening to all the fun things the other kids did with their mothers, that my mother wasn't normal and it wasn't normal for parents to behave that way. I used to think that my life would always be like this until I was eighteen when I would move away and never talk to her again. But, then one day, my life changed forever, in a way I never imagined. It all started when my mother and I were involved in a car accident. 

Mother and I were on our way to a study group. We were driving through an intersection, I saw the lights first and then I felt it. A force jolted into the door next to me, I could hear the crunch of metal, glass breaking, the car spinning, and pain all over my body. Suddenly, it stopped. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw, was my mother. She was looking at me but it was like she didn't see me at all, there was blood all over her. I tried to call out to her but it was like my voice had dried up and I couldn't talk. Suddenly, there was more flashing lights and people talking. I couldn't make out what the voices said but I knew they were there. There were noises that my mind couldn't decipher, I was so sleepy, it was like I was there but I wasn't. I barely registered everything that was going on around me, I didn't register being pulled from the car and placed in an ambulance. I didn't register anything else, all I knew was that my eyes felt so heavy and I couldn't keep them open anymore. I finally succumbed to sleep, the world faded to black and all the noise and lights disappeared from view.

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