Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person pov

When Lily opened her eyes in the morning, she felt hot, uncomfortably hot. When she sat up, she felt dizzy and the room was spinning, her throat felt scratchy as if someone had taken sand paper to it, and she had a pounding headache, as if someone has taken a sledgehammer to it. Lily stumbled to her closet and put on her clothes, a pair of black leggings, a pink sweater and pink converse, Ella had picked it out the night before. Lily forced herself into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth, she was brushing her hair when Ella came in.

"Morning!" Ella said cheerfully,

"Morning," Lily replied with gloom in her tone,

"What's wrong? Do you feel okay?" Ella asked,

"I'm fine," Lily deadpanned,

"Are you sure? You don't look so good," Ella said, 

"I'm fine," Lily said,

"If you're sure," Ella said doubtfully eyeing her sister.

Lily turned away from Ella, finished her hair, and stumbled back into her room. What Lily didn't know, was that Ella was watching her. Ella knew something was wrong with her sister but Lily was like a castle with the drawbridge closed, keeping herself away from everyone else. 

The girls finished getting ready for school and they went downstairs for breakfast. In the hustle and bustle of a big family, no one was really paying much attention to the twins as they rushed around getting ready for their day. If anyone had paused to look at either girl, they would've thought their behavior was out of character for them. Ella wasn't as chatty as she normally was and Lily was less alert than she normally was. Ella was quietly observing her twin sister, watching for all the noticeable changes in Lily while Lily was just trying to ignore how she was feeling. 

Liam, Nolan, Ella, and Lily all left for school while Chance, James, Julian, and Henry went to work. Liam and Nolan were too busy discussing and upcoming football game to notice that both girls were very quiet in the back seat. Ella had tuned her brothers out and was focused on watching Lily. Ella wondered what she should do, she thought her sister was sick but she didn't want to make Lily mad at her by telling the others. Ella was very conflicted and she wanted to help her sister, she was just so unsure on what to do. 

Liam dropped the kids off at school and they went their separate ways. Ella and Lily went to their science class. Lily tries to listen but her headache had worsened and it felt like her head was splitting open. Ella, who normally paid attention in class, was too worried about her sister to pay much attention to the day's science lesson. Finally, in their math class when all Lily wanted to do was put her head down, Ella couldn't hold her silence anymore so she raises her hand.

"Ella, you have a question?" Mr. White asked, 

"Could I take Lily to the nurse? I think she's sick," Ella said, 

"Lily, are you feeling alright?" Mr. White asked, 

"I'm fine," Lily said, 

"No, she's not fine and I really think she needs to see the nurse," Ella insisted,

"Alright, you can take Lily to the nurse, Ella," Mr. White said. Ella gently helps Lily stand up and together they leave the classroom,

"Ella, why did you do that?" Lily asked weakly,

"You're sick and I know you are. You should be at home, resting," Ella said, 

"I need to be at school, my grades will suffer and I'll be in trouble if I miss school," Lily said,

"Chance won't be mad at you for missing school if you're sick. Chance isn't like mom," Ella said, 


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