Chapter nineteen

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Lily's pov

I've been living with my siblings for a few months now and I can't believe all the things that have changed in my life. I used to dream about life being different, about being able to be myself and being able to do things Mother wouldn't allow me to do. Chance isn't controlling like mother, he doesn't put pressure on me to study all the time, and most importantly, he's not cruel like mother was. 

Ever since I said out loud to Ella, I've noticed so many changes in myself. It was like admitting it out loud finally made it clear in my heart that she wasn't around anymore to hurt and control me. I haven't had any nightmares for the past two weeks and I haven't had a panic attack at the mere thought of her or doing things I know she'd never let me do.

I feel happier and I think the others are noticing too because they all seem to be in a good mood lately. I feel like I've been set free like a bird getting out of its cage and flying free. I feel like I could do anything. I finally feel free to dream and to live a life I haven't had before.

I'm actually living the life I've always dreamed of. I went to my first sleepover last weekend with Ella and it was so fun. We watched movies, played board games, and we laughed so much. I don't think I've ever laughed and smiled as much as I did at the sleepover.

I'm reading the books that I want to read and I'm dreaming again of becoming an author some day. I want to write books and read books. My mom would never allow me to dream like that. She'd tell me it's a waste of time and not worth it. I think I'd like to work in a bookstore or a library when I'm older and try to become an author one day.

We've been having so many family movie and game nights and we're having so much fun. I finally feel apart of the family and I don't feel so alone anymore.

I've continued therapy but I've managed to get down to one appointment every other week so its progress. I finally feel like I've made progress towards my dreams and towards a better life. I just hope this feeling lasts forever.

Ella's pov

For the past two months, we've all seen changes in Lily. She's happier, more enthusiastic, and more confident. She's not the same timid, scared, robotic girl she was when she came to live with us ten months ago.

We went to a sleepover together and she enjoyed herself which made me happy. It's made me so happy to see her happy. We've been hanging out more and we've had more fun together than we have in the past few months. Life has been great and I don't want anything to change it.

Nolan's pov

The energy in the house has been different for the past two months. It's because of Lily. It was like she woke up one day a different girl. Suddenly, Lily was happier, she was energetic, she was calm, she was bubbly. She has really come out of her shell and she's bringing a smile to everyone.

I've noticed she doesn't talk about mom anymore. Lily seems so much happier and I think it's been the love and support she's gotten from us as well as the therapy she's been getting. Lily actually seems to be getting better and I love to see her this happy. I want to see that beautiful smile on her face more often. 

I love watching the twins together, they're so sweet and it's like they were never apart. The more time they've spent together, the more I see their similarities. They sometimes talk at the same time or finish each other's sentences, they even have some of the same mannerisms. It's crazy to see Lily do or say something that I've seen Ella do or say a thousand times. They really have become the two sides of the same person.

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