Chapter seven

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Lily's pov

As I sat on the chair in the therapist's office, she studied me like a math problem she couldn't solve. I still remember when Chance suggested that I needed to see a therapist. He told me when we were watching a movie together. I only agreed because it made him happy. So, here I am. I was wearing my usual dark clothes with my hair in it's usual bun and sitting up straight the way mother taught me. 

"So, Lily, why don't you tell me a little about yourself," Ms. Addams said,

"My name is Lillianna and I'm eleven years old," I said,

"Hobbies, interests?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No," I said,

"Anything you like to read?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No," I said,

"Really? There is nothing you like to do?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No," I said,

"Why's that? Have you not tried enough things?" Ms. Addams asked,

"Mother's rules," I said,

"Mother's rules, could you expand on that?" Ms. Addams asked,

"Mother had certain rules and one of them was no activities that were not education or did not add to my educational journey," I said,

"Okay, well you had to have had interests in things other than school," Ms. Addams said,

"If I did, Mother made sure to stop it before I did anything," I said,

"Why did she do that?" Ms. Addams asked,

"Mother wanted me to focus on school," I said,

"That's not a bad thing," Ms. Addams said,

"No, in theory it's a wonderful thing," I said,

"And in practice?" Ms. Addams asked,

"It meant no fun," I said,

"No fun?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No parks, no mall, no trips, no sleepovers, no parties, no tv shows or movies, no toys," I said,

"Your mother sounds strict," Ms. Addams said,

"She was," I said,

"Let's explore that a little more, what other rules did she have?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No grade lower than an A, homework first and study second, only watch educational shows and movies, no friends, no distractions," I said,

"Sounds like you didn't have a normal childhood," Ms. Addams said,

"No, my life was decided by Mother and if she didn't approve of something then I couldn't do it," I said,

"She didn't give you choices, did she?" Ms. Addams asked,

"No, I had no choice and no say in anything," I said,

"How did that make you feel?" Ms. Addams asked,

"Feelings have no value," I said,

"Feelings are valuable, your feelings are important," Ms. Addams said,

"Not according to Mother," I said,

"How did that make you feel?" Ms. Addams asked,

"I don't know, angry, sad," I said,

"What did you do when you were angry to sad?" Ms. Addams asked,

"Hid it so Mother wouldn't know," I said,

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