2 | Move On

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Chapter 2: Move On

Back at her house, they sit on her bed. The boy is still sad, of course, but his tone of voice with the girl next to him changes. He speaks much more calm than before.

"Y/n taught me so much. She's the only person Kacchan fully let his guard down with. I've never known him to be so desperate for someone, until he met her. Really, she changed the two of us in the best—"

Midoriya looks over at her, noticing a blank expression on her face. He chuckles and scratches his neck nervously.

"Sorry, I'm rambling too much. You don't even know her, and yet you're listening to my rants, sorry!" He says.

Raven smiles. Even though this Y/n chick seems to have won his heart in a way, she's glad to see him happily talking about her instead of hearing him crying in her arms.

Whoever Y/n is doesn't matter so much to her. All she knows about the girl is that she brings Izuku pain, and that's not something she wants to see him go through.

Those heart-aching cries of his became her weakness. Even though she's seen him cry multiple times throughout the anime, the cries he's let her hear today, in his real form, are far more depressing than all the ones combined in MHA.

"You said her name was Y/n Y/l/n?" She asks him.

Midoriya's ears and eyes perk up. He asks if she knows her. Raven nods her head no, but suggests looking her up on social media.

The boy practically shouts an affirmative 'yes' to which she finds herself chuckling at.

She scrolls through a bunch of usernames. As suspected, there are plenty of people named Y/n Y/l/n, but this doesn't faze Midoriya. He grabs Raven's phone and carefully scans every profile.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, as he describes it, but soon enough he comes across a page with no profile picture. One of the highlights thumbnails shows a familiar face next to a strangers face.

He clicks the highlight with a heart for its title. The first thing she see's is a guy and then a girls voice says something. His eyes sparkle with joy; it's her, it's Y/n, it's her voice.

The guy is tagged in the video, his username says his name is Devin. Y/n never spoke of a guy with that name, and Katsuki never brought him up. Who is he? Midoriya wonders.

Right away, on his profile, the first post is a picture of her. Anxiously, Deku clicks the picture and scrolls through each picture in the post.

It's definitely her, but one thing is different, this Y/n is wearing makeup in almost every picture. Midoriya arch's his eyebrows. She's never needed makeup to look good, he thinks to himself.

The caption to the post says "Finally got my dream girl," with a heart-eyed emoji at the end.

Right when he finishes reading that sentence, he throws Raven's phone across the room, a horrified look sits on his face.

It's all clear to him now. This guy, he's Y/n's boyfriend. But why? It's only been a year and she's already moved on?

"What's wrong?" Raven asks.

"How could she..."

Seeing his best friend move on from the only person she said that she could ever love only makes him question the thought of their friendship. Has Y/n forgotten about their friendship as well? Does the name Izuku Midoriya mean nothing to her anymore?

"Move on..."

Does she have another best friend now? The boy refuses to believe that any of it is true. He stands up, pacing back and forth, grazing his hands through his hair and almost ripping his damn skull off with each tug.

"No, no, this is all just a bad dream..." he mumbles to himself, "Yeah, yeah, exactly... Y/n could never love another person...she wouldn't do that to Kacchan...she wouldn't do that to...me...I'm her only best friend, me."

He walks over to the phone and flips it over with his foot only to see the picture still there, with that same caption.

"NO!" He yells, "SHE CAN'T, SH—" his voice cracks, "she can't, please, Y/n" the boy drops to his knees like he'd done earlier, except this time he slams his head on the floor, "It's not true. Raven, tell me the picture is just a hallucination, tell me I'm seeing things, that I'm wrong."

Raven goes, picks up her phone, and tucks it into her pocket. "Do you want the truth from me? Or should I lie to make you feel better?"

That was all the boy needed to hear, to know his answer. Y/n has moved on, and there's nothing he can do to change that fact.

When Raven offers to send her a message, he shakes his head no at the idea. Midoriya tells her there's no point in trying to contact someone who seem's to be happy as they are now. He feels that speaking with her would only hurt her more than the first time he'd hurt her.

How could he just expect to squeeze himself back into her life? Maybe if she was still the same person that she was the first time he met her, things would be different, but alas, the newest version of Y/n seems to be better off as she is, no matter how much it hurts him.

And even though Y/n is hurting him right now, he doesn't want to do the same to her because that's just the type of person that Izuku Midoriya is.

A small part of Raven feels happy about this, but the other part is ashamed for even feeling that pleasure and feels bad for him.

"Let's just not talk about her anymore," the girls suggests, and the boy nods his head in agreement. A sigh escapes his mouth as he dries his eyes with his palms.

"I'm sorry," a small laugh leaves his lips, "I've made a horrible first impression. This isn't you're fault. I'm here because of you, not...her. Raven, I'm sorry for making this about me..."

She tells him that it's alright, and helps him back onto the bed. They sit in silence for a moment, to air out the tension in the room.

Suddenly, all cooled down, the boy asks the girl a question relating back to her letter to him, "What was it that you needed help with?"

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