10 | I'm Yours

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Chapter 10: I'm Yours

After weeks of planning, Izuku has finally moved Raven out of that house. One day, when her mom was apologizing about yelling at her for something ridiculously unimportant, the girl spoke up, and told her she wanted to move out.

For a moment, her mom looked at her with an angry expression, but then that look changed into a soft, and understanding one. They agreed that it would be best for her to live with her grandma.

So now, she is almost done unpacking her things, in her new room, with the help of her boyfriend. With the end of summer, right around the corner, Raven is both happy and sad.

They both know that this goodbye will be one of the hardest things for them, but they are both grateful to one another, for learning from each other, and having fun together.

"Thanks for doing this for me. I can't tell you how happy I am to be out of there." She smiles and gives him a little peck on the lips.

"You don't have to thank me, I just did what was right."

They hug, and then lay on the bed that they've finished making. Tomorrow is actually their last day together, and yet, neither of them has said anything about it.

Raven has thought about her life after he leaves. She figures waiting for him to find a way back to her won't be a problem because of how much they've connected.

She's promised not only him, but herself, that she won't be like Y/n. She'll wait as long as she has to, for him, because nobody else in the world has helped her, like he has. She owes him her loyalty.

Deku knows that if there's a way to get here through a website, then the possibility of creating his own way to her, is not far out of reach. A fictional character, coming to life, is absolutely insane. Whatever it takes to come back to her, he's willing to grasp that opportunity.

When he asked her if he should tell Bakugou about Y/n and her boyfriend, Raven wasn't sure how to answer to his question. If it were her, in that Bakugou's position, she would want to know the truth, but because she isn't, she figure that knowing how Bakugou is, lying is not totally the wrong choice.

If they can avoid an angry Bakugou, it's much better that way, even if the truth hurts, later on. Plus, it should be Y/n, herself, who should be telling him that she's moved on.

The next time that they both come to life, Izuku plans to get to Y/n first, before Bakugou, so that he can make things easier for the two of them. If Bakugou were to meet Y/n, before he does—depending on the time that's passed, she'd probably think he was a random stranger, claiming to know her.

Those thoughts aside, the boy and girl head to the kitchen to make dinner together, now that he doesn't have to hide from anyone.

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On the last day, they make sure to get up early, so they can have a full day to themselves. The first thing they do is go to the store, to buy a few bags of  bread.

"Should we get two, or three? If there's babies, I'm feeding them a full bag." She say, picking out a good brand from the aisle.

"You shouldn't over-feed them. We have to make sure they all get some!" He chuckles, helping her out.

When they find the brand that they want, they end up getting three bags, instead of two. Izuku puts them in the basket he's holding, and follows her to another section of the store.

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