6 | Hey

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Chapter 6: Hey

One week later, July arrives, and with two suitcases packed with bundles of Raven's clothes, she and Izuku are ready to leave the house to be picked up by one of her older cousins.

"How many of these baddie points am I getting for this madness?!" He sighs, a worrysome expression shadowing over his face.

"Since you're only coming for my safety, and because you haven't earned any baddie points since we've started, I'll give you three points, and that's still out of twenty."

"What about my four previous points for—"

"Those don't count! You have to do stuff in this world, not your world, therefore you have three right now."

He shakes his head and activates blackwhip to lower the suitcases down the window first. Raven grabs the note she wrote last night, and places it on her bed. The one most likely to come in and find it first is AJ, but she's already trusted him to keep mom and Autry occupied for as long as he can.

Can a six year old really be trusted to hide his sister's disapearance for almost a week? No, but whatever happens, it will all be worth it.

They sneak out through the window, with two pillows in hand, before her cousin, Bre, pulls up across the street. In total, there's six people in the van. Raven, Izuku, Bre, Dylan, Oscar, and Amber. The two in the front are Bre, who's in the passanger seat, and Dylan, who's driving. In the middle are Oscar and Amber, which leaves the back for Izuku and Raven. They quickly put their luggage in the trunk, and get in so that Dylan can speed off.

"No way this is actually happening!" She whispers into the boys ear. He grins at her, and they both look back, watching the house disappear as they drive on.

Within a couple hours into the drive, the rap music makes the two of them really sleepy. There isn't much room for them to both lay down without touching each other.

"I'll scoot over and you can lay down, I don't mind if you put your feet on my lap," He smiles.

"How about we lean the seats back and we both lay down?"

Even with the seats leaned, they still don't have much space to move, and Raven know's this, which is why she suggested it. Izuku also knows what she wants out of this solution, and he was hoping she'd say something like that.

It's only been two weeks and this girl is all that he can think about. It's true that spending everyday with her is part of that reason, but at the start, his mind was all over the place with other thoughts, but now, she's the only thing he cares about.

She grabs their pillows and places them down on the arm rest near the window. He lays down first, a flush of red, coloring his face, as he keeps looking to see if the others are watching. Raven takes a deep breath and carefully lays next to him.

They're both looking up at the roof of the vehicle, hip to him, arm to arm, listening to the music. The girl has the sudden urge to grab hold of his hand, but Izuku beats him at an interaction when he turns to face her.

Something is definitly different about real life Deku, compared to anime Deku. The only reason the boy has been acting in this certain manner, is because he's aware of his situation.

The anime he's a part of is still going on as normal—the bot version of him is keeping his place in the anime, which means he doesn't have to worry about anyone back home. So while he's here, he can live the life of a normal teenage boy, and because he's getting familiar with the real world, new character traits are kicking in.

"Hey." He looks at her.

"H—hey." She blushes.

"Respectfully, would you like me to cuddle you?" He sucks on his bottom lip, sending butterflies swarming into the girls stomach. She stutters to speak, so instead, a nod is enough to answer his question. One moment, they're making eye-contact, and the next, she's snuggled into his chest, a leg over both of his.

"I wonder if Kacchan's ever—"

"Why are you talking about him? Hello! I'm right here!"

He laughs and pulls her closer, until they can both feel how fast their hearts are beating. Moments later, they're fast asleep in each others warmth. Even though it's cramped for them in the back, neither are uncomfortable, in fact, it's the best sleep they've had in a long time.

For Raven, it's a dream come true to be in the arms of her beloved anime crush, and for Deku, this new experience is much more pleasant than sleeping alone in his room.

It doesn't take long for the others to notice them, and when they do, they're careful not to wake them up as they snap pictures and take videos of the two.

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