8 | How Many Points?

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Chapter 8 | How Many Points

Bre doesn't really care where her cousin goes, as long as her phone is charged and she has her on speed dial, in case they get lost or something. This trip to New York is the thing she's wanted most in her life. To be spending it with Izuku is the cherry on top of her bowl of sweet satisfaction.

"Do you want to go look around stores before we head to the Statue of Liberty?"

"Sure, but you better not make me steal anything!"

She shoves him, offended, and they both laugh as they go out to walk around the big city. Some of the people they pass look like models, and others look like tourists.

The billboards are huge and Raven can't help but stare at all of them. Caught up in her own world, she doesn't notice the people who are also distracted, with their phones, walking closer and closer in her direction.

The boy takes her hand and pulls her in so that she doesn't bump into them. "Maybe I should just hold your hand, so you don't get trampled over." He laughs. An unnoticeable blush settles upon her face and she rolls her eyes. They continue to walk, holding hands, into all sorts of stores.

In some of those places, some employees offer assistance in looking for a specific outfit, and in order to earn some points in their game, Izuku accepts their help, trying on all sorts of outfits. Some make him look like a old man with a baby face, and others actually bring out his best features. Raven records, and snaps a bunch of funny photos and videos of him.

After that, they begin to make their way to their destination. They board a ferry to get to Liberty island. While on her phone, as they're walking to the statue, Raven gets an Instagram notification. When she opens it, there's a picture on her celebrity crushes story, and suddenly her heart is pounding in her chest.

"No. Fucking. Way." She says aloud. The greenie looks at her confused. Then she shows him the picture of an Asian man with the Statue of Liberty right behind him. "LET'S HURRY! JIMIN IS HERE! If we're lucky, he could still be admiring the statue!!" She takes off before him, sprinting like her life depends on it.

Izuku does not know what to think of this, but there's a funny feeling in his stomach, and he can't help but to frown as he runs next to her.

When they arrive at the front of the large sculpture, Raven searches the crowds for Jimin. She's never met any of the BTS members before, and never once been to a concert, so for it to be her bias, who she meets, is really exciting.

As she's about to give into looking for him any longer, she almost sense's him walking past her. When she turns to see who it is that walked by, she's correct, it's him, it's Jimin!

Raven is about to walk up to him, but before she can, she's pulled back into a pair of needy arms. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm stopping you, that's probably someone you've been waiting so long to meet."

Her face softens at the sound of his voice. Right now, in this moment, if she had to choose between speaking with her bias, or be held like she is by someone she never thought could hold her, since they're fictional, she'd choose the second option.

It was at least nice to see Jimin from the back, but it would've been better to greet him. Though, right now, this trip is all about Izuku and her, and New York City, of course.

How would it look if she drooled over someone who isn't the boy next to her? The one who has been by her side, and making each day, that they're together, better and better. It was a tough decision, but the right one to her.

She turns around, still in his arms, "Can I be the peanut butter to your jelly? Since you're so jealous!" She laughs to herself. Izuku looks at her like she's gone too far, with a little joke like that one, and holds her tighter to not let her escape.

"I'll give you points for trying to kill me with such aggressive force, but if you don't let go, my eyes might even turn purple."

He chuckles, relived by her words, and lets her go, only holding her by the hand. They go up, into the top of the statue, and take lots of pictures. The view is amazing.

When they're up there, it's as if time itself stops. The boy can't help but feel all flustered, and yet overly confident at the same time. Looking at the girl, there's something about her that brings out all sorts of feelings stored deep inside himself.

Before they go back in the elevator, he turns her to face him, getting a brief look at that amazing face of hers. His hands find their way to her jaw, and her waist. "Close your eyes." He says.

She closes them, but opens them for a second to see that his are closed, and his face is inching closer to her. She watches him for a second, and then closes her eyes, again, awaiting his touch.

After a few seconds, his hands are off her waist and jaw. Raven opens her eyes and sees that he's already walking to the elevator. So what was all that? Nothing happened, nothing at all. Over his shoulder he says something, "How many points for that?"

A very unpleased look, colors her face. The only thing he wanted to achieve out of that was some stupid points, and probably making her look like an idiot.

On the rest of the way back to the hotel, she doesn't speak to him. Even if it was only for the stupid game that they're playing, that was embarrassing for her. She's wanted to kiss him from the start, but knowing that she was a nobody to him, she pushed those temptations aside.

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"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." She says, grabbing a blanket and laying down on it, with her face into the backrest. He lifts the blanket and begins to crawl in beside her, but she pushes him to the floor. "ALONE." She rolls her eyes.

Wondering why she's acting so distant, he thinks back to the kiss ditching and laughs to himself. Raven sits up and looks at him, an annoyed expression on her face. "What are you laughing about?!"

He sits on the couch as well, and teases her for being upset about not receiving a kiss. She is surprised that he's mentioning that so bluntly like it's not a big deal. Izuku only laughs more at her facial expressions.

"You never told me how many points I got for that."

"Ten. You get ten points for making me mad. Now that means you're up to sixteen points." She sighs.

He scoots closer to her, until their legs touch. Then he looks at her and reaches his hand to grab her behind the ear, but she slaps him away. He goes for it the second time, and gets slapped, again. Aware that they're on the middle of the large couch, he pushed her back into it, and crawls his way up to her, to be face to face.

"Izuku Midoriya, what are you doing?!"

He looks into her eyes for the longest time. "I'd never do this without permission, and I'm not going to ask. This is me taking advantage of this situation." Before they both know it, his lips are against hers. In five seconds, he's able to make her feel as though she's flying.

The moment is beautiful. In both their hearts, they know this is what they want. Five seconds of a kiss feels like five whole minutes, and it's amazing, until he pulls back and stares at her.

"Points?" He asks.


"How many points for that?"

Raven scoffs and pushes him off. She looks at him like he's joking, but he definitely doesn't look like he is. Even though she made the game up, she's had enough of it.

"It's worth the rest, since you're getting of my nerves by asking bullshit questions like that!"

He smiles and sits next to her. Fiddling with his fingers and feet, he works up the courage to speak up, again. The tension in the room is quite thick, so to dig himself out of it, he says, "Alright, I said I'd tell you what I was talking about a few nights ago, so I'll tell you now."

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