7 | Close to Me

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Chapter 7: Close to Me

During a two day drive, with minimal breaks, and switching drivers, they arrive in New York City. Raven's asleep when they're entering the crowded roads, but Deku is wide awake and mesmerized by the look of such tall, beautiful buildings.

When he decides to shake Raven awake, the instant her eyes fall on what Izuku's gazing at, her hands press up against the window and she takes it all in, almost drooling at the view before her. None of it feels real to her. It's definitely more magical in person.

"Midoriya, we have to go see the Statue of Liberty!!" She exclaims. One of his hands wraps around her, filling the void between them. They spend this time keeping their eyes on everything outside, while Dylan drives to the hotel they booked.

On the drive to get here, Bre informed everyone of the room situation. The hotel room they're all staying in only has two bedrooms, which only fit two people per bed. Raven knew beforehand that she wouldn't be getting an actual bed to sleep on, but that's the least of her worries.

Shortly, they arrive, and everyone unloads their luggage. The greenie carries both suitcases, leaving only the pillows to Raven. After checking in, the excitement of getting to see their room and laying down on a cushioned surface, motivates them all to hurry to their destination.

When Amber swings the door open, Deku and Raven are first to enter, dropping their things near the entrance and hurrying over to collapse straight onto the couch when they do so. Even after a few hours of sleep, their bodies long for a pleasant surface to lay on.

"Hey, Raven, why don't you and your boyfriend take one of the rooms for now, while we go all go explore this hotel?" Bre offers. Raven widens her eyes at the way she called Midoriya her boyfriend.

The boy does not think twice, and takes Raven's hand, dragging her in the direction of one of the rooms while smiling politely, and thanking the girls cousin for her kindness.

At first glance, the room is nothing short of extravagant. The air smells nice, and there's a pair of glass doors that lead to a beautiful balcony. It's a very luxurious room, yes, but right now, the only thing that looks tempting to explore is the comfort of the bed in front of them.

Izuku wastes no time in taking his shoes off and diving into the clean sheets, stretching his arms and legs. Raven watches him do all this, and get comfortable. She doesn't actually get on the bed until he motions for her to do so, and when she does, she sighs in relief at the softness.

"We have plenty of room now, so you don't have deal with me being so close anymore." He says.

"What if I want you close to me?"

Inside of him, his heart does a little happy dance. Uncertain of how she felt when he was holding her in the van, he's happy to hear that she enjoyed those naps as much as he did.

"If that's what you want, then I'm more than happy to oblige."

With the covers over their bodies, they close the gap that's separating them, and for the first time, cuddle each other with actual leg room to toss and turn when they need to.

Just as Raven feels her eyes getting heavy with sleep, he whispers something into her ear. "Raven, thanks for letting me hold you like this." Those sweet words make her smile, even though she hardly has the energy to.

"You're....welcome," her voice is low and she speaks slowly as she's falling  into a deep slumber. Before her ears shut out the noise around her, she hears him say one last thing, "Please let us do this every night, from now, until the end of summer. I'm not sure what these crazy thoughts in my head are, or these new feelings, but if you'll let me, I......"

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