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Caitlin was rushing to the dinner appointment with Stuart and Rebecca, after Rebecca had dropped her bombshell last night that she was pregnant with Stuart's baby. And to think Caitlin had thought that Rebecca had had her eye on Nicholas, that weekend of her dad's party, but apparently that had been a ploy to make Stuart jealous, to which Rebecca bragged had worked like a charm. On hearing of her pregnancy, Stuart had ecstatically proposed to Rebecca, and invited Caitlin to join them celebrate their engagement dinner.

Caitlin missed Nicholas, she longed to hear his voice. She wished she had the courage to call him, but she could not come up with any excuse to do so. And why didn't he ever call her like normal people do? But then, there was nothing normal about her and Nicholas. She left her office too late, but patiently maneuvered through the rush hour traffic. If only things could progress between her and Nicholas she wished forlornly. Sadly he did not want what she wanted for them. Eventually she arrived at the fancy French Restaurant in Rosebank, handing her keys over to the parking attendant.

'This way,' the Maitre'd guided her to Stuart's table. Heads turned, men forgot to breathe as they looked lustfully at her beautiful figure draped in an oyster coloured figure hugging dress. Stuart stood as she entered. His eyes evidently filled with love for Rebecca, and she was just as intoxicated with him. She greeted them both with hugs, congratulating them.

'What would you like to drink?' Stuart grinned.

'I'd say champagne is in order,' Caitlin smiled happily.

'I've called mom and dad, ' Stuart smiled at Caitlin.

'Dad's been hounding me for a grandchild, for forever,' Caitlin laughed, 'you don't know how glad I am for you to take the pressure of me. Well here's to love and happiness,' Caitlin toasted, loving the chilled French champagne. And then she almost choked on her drink.

Oh, no, I don't believe it!

Suddenly Caitlin's heart felt like it was being ripped out, the blood in her veins went cold, as her eyes caught sight of Nicholas approaching. Only he was not alone, a strikingly beautiful brunette, was clinging to his arm, and Nicholas was whispering in her ear. Caitlin wanted to be sick.

How could he do this to me!

He had not yet seen Caitlin. She willed herself to remain calm and get her heart under control. It felt like her insides were being pulverized.

After the night we spent together, could he just move on so quickly?

Granted, she had not given him her body on a silver platter. But did she mean nothing to him at all? She tried to remind herself that they were not in a relationship. At their breakfast he had urged her to focus on that day, no reference to the future. In light of that why should he not date other women she questioned herself? Her wayward feelings were not his problem.

Caitlin recovered somewhat. All she knew was her heart felt as if he had personally ripped it out. With painful effort, she drew Rebecca into conversation, wishing she could get the hell out of there. Stuart interrupted their conversation.
'I hope you don't mind, Nicholas is joining us.' Stuart looked to Caitlin.

By now Nicholas was near their table and she was sure he saw her, as Stuart stood up to greet them. She looked up into his eyes, unsuccessful in totally hiding her disappointment, or camouflaging her pain. She caught his eyes narrowing, then a look of frustration for a millisecond, before he quickly masked his surprise.

'Caitlin, I did not expect, you would be here?' His tone was casual, although his eyes reflected regret and pleaded understanding from her. She ignored the message in his eyes.

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