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He drew her against his body, his mouth closing over hers. His lips teased against hers, his hands sliding through her beautiful mane of glossy hair.

What the heck is he up to now?

Her fingers rested lightly on his arms, as her lips responded to his seductive kiss, even when they shouldn't. A car door closing nearby alerted her to their goings on in public. She opened her eyes looking into his, only half paying attention to the fact that they had an audience.

'I take it your motive was not an irresistible urge to kiss me.'

'Not this time,' there was amusement in Nicholas' eyes. 'We will use your car hmm?' he planted a soft kiss on her throat.

She nodded her agreement, feeling foolish at her outburst.

'Hi,' she greeted her neighbour uncomfortably, embarrassed at her outburst as she waited for Nicholas to get her keys from the penthouse. She got a wave and an amused grin in response.

'Have we gotten over our temper tantrum? Nicholas grinned, opening the passenger door for her.

'I'm sorry,' she murmured, lowering her head.

'The neighbour thought you looked gorgeous,' he fanned the flames.

'Can you shut up.  I'm embarrassed enough without you fuelling the situation.'

'Are you embarrassed about your tantrum, or kissing me in front of an audience?'

'Just drive,' she groaned out.

But he already knew the latter was her cause for concern. He was like a giant in her car. He turned on the ignition and the music blared so loudly, he tried to reach for the volume button but could not find it and instead, held his hands over his ears. Caitlin turned down the volume, throwing her head back laughing at the sight of Nicholas. He turned, stared at her then began laughing himself.

'Can you hear yourself think, with the music so loud?' he complained.

'I play it that loud, when I don't want to think,' she grinned.

He shook his head and smiled.

'If it's too loud, you're too old,' she teased him lightly.

'I'm definitely too old for that music, but I'm not too old for you,' he threw back.

She grinned to herself, wondering if age would ever be a deterrent to Nicholas Brenthurst.

'Do tell,' he coaxed, observing her grin.

'At the ripe old age of thirty four you're looking pretty good,' her hand reached out patting him on his thigh.

'Wow! A compliment, it must be my lucky day,' he grinned. His hand quickly covered hers, when she made to remove hers. She tilted her head, looking across at him, quite comfortable to leave her hand where it was. He did not look her way, concentrating on the road ahead. Caitlin sighed, admiring the gorgeous hunk next to her, wishing for the hundredth time that he could be hers, only hers.

'Carrie is a lovely young lady,' Caitlin remarked conversationally, after some moments. 
'She's talented too.  You must see the pictures she's taken of your preferred choice of a honeymoon spot,' he remarked.

Caitlin blushed, 'I noticed you shared the sentiment,' she shot back.   

'Would you go with me to Florence, Caitlin?' he challenged.   

He was not talking about marriage or honeymoon, just going with him.

'Hypothetically speaking?' she goaded.

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