Chapter Eight: Elemental State

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The next day began Sanda's training with the other element users. The first was Daichi, who hadn't revealed what he would be teaching him until he arrived in his dojo that morning. The other element bearers told him to expect the same from them when it came their time to teach him their best skills.

When Sanda did walk into Daichi's personal dojo within the small mansion, he found Daichi meditating in the center of the polished wooden floor. "Wow...he looks so calm for a change. I didn't think he had it in him to do something like meditation."

"Sanda, come inside. Have a seat across from me." Daichi speaking up all of a sudden made Sanda jump.

"R-Right, coming." Sanda stepped into the dojo and sat with his legs crossed a few feet in front of Daichi. For a moment, Daichi didn't say anything, just focusing on the sounds of nature surrounding them. The wind rustling the leaves on the trees outside of the building, the sound of the waves crashing against the plateau, and the birds chirping within the forest. It was very peaceful, even putting Sanda at ease. He didn't want to say anything until Daichi was finished with his meditation, so he just silently enjoyed the quiet around them as well.

"Apologies, the morning was so calming I couldn't help but lose myself in meditation for a moment!" Daichi laughed, returning to his usual, bustling self.

"It's alright, I can understand how someone would get lost in this kind of atmosphere. It's nice." Sanda grinned at the man.

Daichi smiled in return, placing a hand on his knee and rising to his feet. "Alright, let's get started then shall we?"

Sanda immediately hopped to his feet. "What are you planning on teaching me?"

"Well first, before anything, I need to make sure I'm correct in my theory. Since you were able to do it yesterday when Atiyama attacked you, try summoning lightning from outside your body once more. As Jinny explained to you before, if you can't do that, you won't be able to learn what I'm about to teach you." Daichi explained, holding out his hand and using his power to create a few floating rocks in midair.

"Right, I forgot about that... I don't know if I'll be able to do it though. The only reason I was able to do it then was because Atiyama was attacking me. Do you really think I'll be able to do it again?" Sanda asked, doubting himself.

"Do not doubt yourself, Sanda boy!" Daichi slapped him on the back. "Ack!" Sanda whined in pain, his back stinging quite a bit from the hard slap he received.

Daichi stood behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Remember that feeling if that's what it takes. Recall how it felt to summon that lightning from the skies. You may think that it was your element acting on its own, but it was you who called upon that lightning. You did not lose control."

Sanda's eyes widened. "I didn't lose control..? I..." Sanda realized what Daichi was trying to do at that moment, and Sanda quickly went into a deep focus. "I did not...lose control." Sanda held out his hand, letting his element spark to life from inside of him. He recalled that moment, every sensation he felt, from the fear of being killed to the moment the lightning struck him.

"Focus... I can do this." He remembered how easy the plasma element user made it look to use his element from outside of his body, biting his lip. "If he could do it, then so can I." And just like that, sparks had formed in front of him, quickly becoming bolts of lightning that he could control with slight ease when he remained focused.

"I...I did it. I did it!" Sanda laughed, letting the bolts of lightning swirl around him as if they were alive.

Daichi watched, both pleased and astonished. "This boy is something extraordinary... Even Kazane, who summoned her element externally the fastest, wasn't able to control it that well thereafter for at least another day. Is this truly just the lightning element at work, or is he a prodigy as well?" Daichi closed his eyes and chuckled. "Well then, it seems we'll be able to focus on the main lesson!"

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