Chapter Twenty-Six: A Devious Plan

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Hanako had to enter her elemental state in order to save Agni's arms. "If he had exerted any more of his elemental energy, his arms would be ashes right now... It's almost as if he somehow knew exactly how much energy he needed to not lose his arms."

"How long will the two of them be out for?" Sanda asked anxiously, sitting in a chair between the two beds that held the unconscious Agni and Kazane.

"Kazane will be up in no time, she always bounces back from a fight. She won't have a mark left on her body. Agni on the other hand..." Hanako frowned as she traced his arms with her hands. The cracks left in his arms from the explosive use of his power were still there. "These are going to remain. I can't heal scars..."

Sanda rested a palm over his chest. He knew Kazane could close holes in the human body and regenerate its tissue. However, the scarring from the event would always remain. He knew well, after all, his brother had left a giant hole in the center of his chest.

"How could he have known to send Bobina at the exact second the two were going to be on that path..? He's never done something like that before..." Akari paced around the room anxiously.

"Well, he's never lost an ally before either." Sanda crossed his arms again and frowned. "Maybe that gave him the motivation to start learning some new tricks..." Saying this aloud, Sanda began to question something else. "How is it that after 100 years, these two haven't found the limits to the powers of the elements..? And how is it that they've never truly defeated one another..?"

"What's on your mind?" Jinny cocked an eyebrow. She knew Sanda's expressions well now. It wasn't hard for her to tell when he was deep in thought.

"Something that nobody can give a proper answer to right now. At least..." He glanced over in Akari's direction. "At least I hope no one can give a proper answer to."

Jinny tilted her head, but before she could open her mouth to question him anymore, Kazane stirred in her bed. Without warning, she bolted straight up. "Agni! Lava girl! Magma!" She groaned and gently grabbed at her head with one hand.

"Don't sit up so fast." Hanako gently rubbed her back.

"Everyone..?" Kazane gazed at everyone, and then her eyes fell on Agni, and then on his arms. "Agni..?" She nearly scrambled out of bed at the sight of her lover in such a state.

However, Daichi caught her before she could, preventing her from falling out of the bed. "You're still recovering too, don't forget. Don't worry, I'll move you." Without another word, he lifted Kazane out of her bed and gently laid her down beside him.

Kazane held one of Agni's hands, using her other hand to turn his head toward her. She gently pressed her forehead against his, closing her eyes and nuzzling him. "Oh Agni..."

Sanda clenched his fist at his side. "He's gonna pay for this." He glanced over at Jinny next, wondering just how angry he might be if he ever saw her in such a state. As soon as he turned his head, their eyes locked. Jinny's fists, too, were clenched at her sides.

Seeing her like that calmed him down. He unclenched his hand, and gently wrapped it around hers. "It's gonna be okay. They're both alright."

"You know you were just as upset as me..." Jinny muttered, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling softly, and she intertwined their fingers.

"If Atiyama is watching whenever we leave the mansion now, perhaps we should all leave together from now on." Daichi suggested.

"If we do that, then he could set up an ambush right here at the mansion. Or, better yet, he could completely destroy it, leaving us with no home to stay in." Akari stated as she continued to pace. "Perhaps I should simply be the one to go get our food and resources from now on."

"Are you crazy?!" Sanda shouted before anyone else could say a word. "If you do that then Atiyama's just going to attack you with everyone at once! I know you could easily take on all of the other element users at once, but all of them and Atiyama? You'd die!"

"Sanda's right Akari, we can't lose you." Jinny spoke afterwards.

Akari stopped walking for a moment and looked at the two of them, then at their joined hands. She didn't say it out loud, but she was happy to have friends who were so concerned for her. She knew it would be foolish to go out all on her own, but she would rather die than put her family at risk again.

"How about we all leave together, and then one person other than Akari stays here to guard the base?" Hanako suggested next.

"Absolutely not. If we did that, Atiyama would surely just kill that person and destroy the mansion." Akari stated bluntly.

"What if it were me?" Sanda asked. "I have two elements, and I'm even faster now with the plasma element at my disposal. I know I'm not on the same level as you, Akari, but if it comes to fighting Atiyama, I'm positive I could at least keep him busy until you all get back."

"While I do believe in your skill, Sanda, do you believe you can take on Atiyama and all of his element users at the same time?" Akari smiled sadly.

Sanda's eyes widened slowly. He hadn't considered that he might attack the person guarding the base with everyone at his disposal. Though when he thought about it, it made sense. Especially if it were him or Akari left behind.

"Damn, he's really got us pinned down then, hasn't he?" Jinny crossed her arms and frowned. She was all out of ideas.

Sanda closed his eyes and started racking his brain. "No, there's still plenty we can do to counter this. After all, they don't have anyone who can match mine and Akari's speed. Plus, if we were to split the group exactly in half, then there wouldn't really be much Atiyama could do. Even if he picked one of those two groups to attack with all of his members, there's only him and five of the others. Minus Bobina who's probably still unconscious too."

"And if I were in the group with fewer members, I'd be able to defend them and fend off Atiyama. I have speed on my side after all..." Akari mumbled.

"Okay, but that doesn't really help us right now. After all, Agni's out cold and Kazane shouldn't be fighting again so soon after just recovering from a fight." Jinny crossed her arms. "We have no food right now and Agni might be out for days, just like Sanda was before."

At this, everyone went silent. They had no response to that. At least, not at first. "I have all of my brother's memories from when he gained the plasma element... All of them..." Sanda whispered, almost to himself.

"Sanda?" Jinny cocked an eyebrow. "What are you thinking..?"

Sanda looked up with a confident smirk on his face. "I hope you guys are hungry, because I think it's about time we do some shopping."

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