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Fin was sitting in the moving uhaul truck when he saw a few of his neighbors coming outside to see what was happening.

Sebastian has made it clear to stay in the truck, and that he got everything. So Fin stared outside the window until one of my neighbors came to the truck window. He motioned his hand to roll down the window, and that is what Fin did.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Joe said in a joking manner.

"Wanted to say bye." Fin really did. Joe and another neighbor didn't buy Sebastian smirk or "persona" that he gives off. They knew something was wrong and soon guessed what situation Fin was in.

To Fin's knowledge they were the reason why both men were leaving. Fin guesses Sebastian finally realized who was calling the cops on the home about "noise complaints" and any other things the police came out to inspect.

"Where are you heading? Maybe I got people where you're going to protect you." Joe was a nice and sweet old man. Sometimes Fin wished Joe was his father.

"Don't know..."

"You know my address, just mail me when you get there. I love you son."

With that Joe left the car window, and rolled it back up. A couple of minutes later Sebastian came back to the truck sweating and having a smile on his face.

"Ready for a road trip?" He asked.


"Oh don't be a spoiled sport. It will be fun. Convenience store stops, side of the road pee stops. Hey, we can even play a few car trips games." Sebastian said smiling.

But as soon as Fin looked at that dazzling smile it couldn't hold him back from smiling back to Sebastian.

"There it is! There is that beautiful smile. Where have you been?" He asked laughing, but Fin just only stared longingly and wanted to say, "you took it away", but knew that wouldn't have gone well.

"I see on the GPS that in fifty miles there is a gas station. Do you know what gas station that is?" Sebastian asked, trying to make Fin guess, but all he could do was shrug his shoulders.

"Ugh, you're no fun. It's Love's. You get it, because I love you and we are going to Love's." Sebastian laughed at his own joke as I looked out the window and saw the scenery.

Fin noticed how Sebastian stopped talking and looked at him to only see him staring at the road, so Fin looked towards the GPS and saw the ETA was fourteen hours and thirty minutes.

Fin almost went crazy. He wondered where in the hell could they possibly be going so far away. But yet again Fin decided not to question. He needed to get to the destination in one piece to make sure he at least knows where he is going to be dying or soon be acquainted with the hospital too.

One Hour Later

Fin looked back again to the GPS to see how much longer they have, but saw that they had thirteen hours left, and that they were really close to the gas station Sebastian was talking about earlier. The car is soon parked and Fin waits til Sebastian comes to the door to open it.

"Okay we finally made it. Are you hungry? Tired? Both? I can go and grab some food and bring it back to you." Sebastian kept firing questions.

"I actually need to use the restroom, and can eat inside...please?"

Sebastian smiled and nodded his head. He led Fin to the restroom and gave him directions to where to go after the restroom.

Fin went and did his business and washed his hands, but before he could leave the restroom he stared at his reflection. With all the makeup on his face no one would ever know that there was a huge purple bruise on his jaw, and that there is a fading bruise mark under his left eye.

Fin left the bathroom and headed to McDonalds that was connected to the gas station. He saw Sebastian sitting down with two cups and his phone in his hand.

"Did you order?" Fin asked.

"Yup. I got you a big mac with ten piece nuggets and a large fry since I know you didn't eat breakfast. I gotta keep my baby healthy and alive." Sebastian chuckled.

Fin sat down in the chair and saw that both cups were filled with clear liquid which meant it could be either sprite or water. Luckily when tasted it was sprite.

"Order 5921! Order 5921!" The announcer called out.

"That's our, I'll be right back."

Sebastian left the table and went to the front counter getting their meal.Yet, Fin couldn't stop, but felt an urge that someone was looking at him. So he turned his body a little to the left and saw a man in a plaid shirt with a hunting hat staring.

Fin turned back around and coming back was Sebastian holding the tray filled with food. He placed the tray down and sat down while giving Fin his food and fries and taking his own meal which was two twenty piece nuggets and a large fry.

Fin dug in, but still felt the stare on my back. Fin looked up to make sure that Sebastian wasn't noticing this, but he wasn't.

They finally got finished with their food and Sebastian went to throw away the trash and put up the tray. Fin went with him so that he is not alone.

Sebastian thought it was a good idea that they should get snacks and a slushie before they left, and it made Fin start to relax and become calm. Fin decided to get a coca-cola slushie and white cheddar cheez-its with a handful of caramel Twix, honestly probably ten king size. While Sebastian got a sour watermelon slushie and hot fries with a cup of boiled peanuts.

"I know you like these kinds of peanuts so we can share them throughout the roadtrip. Okay?" Sebastian says.

All Fin did was nod his head and walk next to him to the cashier.

It wasn't much, but for someone who hasn't spent not even a penny in their life it was a lot for Fin.

They finally left the gas station and went back to the car, but Fin had to wait for Sebastian to place everything in the car before Fin could get in, because Sebastian always had to open the door and close the door.

So while Fin waited he looked around the car and saw that man from earlier again. He stared at him for a long time until Sebastian gripped his arm making Fin gasp.

"Ow ow ow..." Fin yelped in pain.

"Who the hell are you looking at uh? Who they hell has gotten your fucking attention now you slut?" Sebastain gritted out.

"No..no one...please stop it hurts..." Fin started to plead for Sebastian to let go, but the grip became even harder.

He opened the door and pushed Fin inside then closed the door harshly. He left from the door while Fin was still looking out the window and that was when he saw the man again staring at him, but this time the man had an expression on his face. It was like the nurse's face from the hospital. But Fin couldn't care at all. Fin just wanted to get to wherever the location they were heading to and settle in without having his daylights knocked out of him.

"If I need to beat the fuck out of you to responde to me I will." Sebastian said harshly.


"Ugh! Why do you do this? Huh! Why can't we just be happy? Why do you have to start shit in our relationship? You know you are the one who does this right, you just start everything and make a fight out of nothing." Fin heard what Sebastian was saying, but he couldn't stand to be put at blame for something he didn't do, and knew that he didn't cause something to happen.

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