Sike! one more: 30 ~ Cat's Pajamas

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Uri's POV

My hands shake violently. Okay, okay, breathe, you got this. Come on, this ain't your first rodeo. It might be your last though...

No, no, no! Get it together!

I straighten my bowtie in front of the shop window and look down at my hands. They're empty. Why are they empty? What am I missing?

Flowers! Right, flowers!

I twirl in a circle, hoping to magically find a flower shop on the corner or even better, right next to me. But magic's not real. There's no flower shop.

I don't have time to find one, either. And I'm already late. I check my watch and know she's there at the bridge, waiting for me.

Flowers, flowers, flowers...

Glancing around, my eyes stop on a singular dandelion, nestled between the divide of the sidewalk. I crouch down and pluck it, no hesitation. This will have to do.

Taking a big step forwards, I begin my walk/jog down the street. No sooner am I on my way when I stop and reach down to find two more dandelions. Yep. This will work. It has to.

I add them to make three in total. A single one would have worked. But three... why does it look weird and awkward now? Is three dandelions a weird message or something? I scan the street ahead of me for more and almost run as I find the next plant, consisting of four more, now picked and added to my growing bunch.

That's better. I guess we'll go with a handful, make like a pillow of pure yellow or something. A pillow? What the heck am I thinking? I shake my head, trying to rid the idea with the motion. It must be this bowtie. It's doing weird things to me. Oh my gosh, why am I so nervous?

Get it together, Uri! She already knows today's the day! Heck we could practically start dating without saying anything at all! But I don't think it works like that...

I can't wait to see her. To hold her hand...

I curl my fingers together in excitement. Almost there.

I step onto the bridge to find a pink dress, gently flowing in the breeze.

She stands, leaning against the rail as she gazes over the running water. Her hands encase her camera, a large lens poking into the air. She checks her settings and lifts it up to her eye to snap a few more photos. Absolutely beautiful. The way her black hair shines in the sunlight, the way she squints as she smiles, and her eyes... brown like vintage leather. Golden under the sun. She dislikes them for some reason.

She's so clueless.

And I am too, apparently. I find that Delilah has walked over to me, probably wondering why I'm standing still, holding a bouquet of weeds, and wearing a bowtie like a nerd.


I shove the dandelions into her hands. "Date me," I order, not liking that my voice carries out husky and bumpy.

"Okay." She smiles.

"Now, can we please talk about those boundaries that we set?"

"Yes." Her hands pull me down by my shoulders and our lips are instantly connected. She pushes so firmly, I have to hold onto her head for support. Her short black hair tangles between my fingers.

We separate breathlessly.

"Man, I missed that," I whisper. "You look so pretty today."

"I bought this dress just for the occasion." Delilah blushes with her smile. "Dalia picked it out for me."

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