ahhhhh it's OveRRRrrrr ToT

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Had to skip a few paragraphs to convey how much silence just went through the room.

um, first of all, you finally know who the cameo is, from Life is Funny Like That! so yay for you! haha. so i guess the proper chronological order to read my books in, would be this one first and then LFLT after that. i think Adrian and Elie meet sometime in the two years of their agreement but whateves, who cares? meh

onto the real business. I finished this fricken book. so i think I deserve a pat on the back for that ^3^

let's see, what else... how about a few questions?

Why did Uri fall for a walking red flag of mental issues?
haha, who is asking these questions? (it's sadistic me)
uh, well, love has no bounds(?) ...wrong answer?
okay, how about the first time she trusted him and let herself be vulnerable, he saw the beautiful fragility of her soul and realized, although she was broken, her humanity was so pure. although she had sturdy walls, it was only to protect a loving heart. (I let Uri write this for me. Don't tell Elie. she'll delete it.)

i know, i know, it's so unlike me to leave a side character's story so open-ended like that. but just like our main character's goal that we won't be able to see finished, Martha's story is quite the same.
so short answer: no, Martha's not okay. 
long answer: Much like Elie's journey, it's gonna take a while to even be a little better. she's strongly connected to Elie's emotional state and it affects her much more than the both of them know. so as Elie heals, Martha will follow suite. there is hope for a brighter future :)

What was my favorite scene/chapter to write?
scene-wise, I can honestly say, i thoroughly enjoyed every crying scene, but the time she eats the cake was my favorite.
chapter-wise, Beige was my favorite, even though it was the darkest i had ever written... every time i read it, it still brings tears to my eyes. i guess i'm just really proud of the way it turned out. you know, you have a specific idea for every chapter that you plan to write, but when it comes to actually writing, they always turn out way different than in your head and usually, it's a negative outcome. but with Beige, it came out just right for my vision and all. so yeah.

Favorite character?

Least favorite character?
(it actually drains me to write him and his way-too-bright personality)

The parents don't actually seem too bad, how can Elie be that damaged?
Thousands of factors play into the way her mind was shaped. Her parents, her friends in high school, her teachers, the school environment, and tons of little things we all look over every day. there are probably parts of you that resonated with her struggles and her mindset because all of us experience traumas in the tiniest ways when we don't even notice. we're all broken in some way, even if our family is the Brady bunch and we have caring friends and happy childhood memories... that's just life.

Was it hard to write this book, considering the emotional intensity it required?
you should know by now, i thrive with emotionally charged stories.
but for other reasons, i didn't actually expect to get this book finished. around chapter five, i thought the characters were too far away from any experiences i've ever had, and therefore, were impossible to finish writing because i didn't really have any idea what i was doing. but i somehow managed to do it... idk what happened, but their personalities prolly shifted into my comfort zone of writing without my knowing.

What's next?
not to anyone's surprise, i have started another book. it's a side story, stemming from one of the characters in Life is Funny Like That. i had no intention of expanding this character's story till i realized what a gem i created without even knowing it! get ready, it's gonna be even more cliche than The Averages and i'm not apologizing for it ;)

enough of these questions, it's time for me to rant about my feelings towards publishing this book and everything. 

okay, i can't believe i wrote this really vulnerable story, fully knowing that people i personally know will be reading this eventually. like i said in the beginning, it's hard to show this side of me to the world. but i can't believe the insight i've experienced by writing such heart-wrenching feelings that i had once buried deep inside. it's super crazy for me to think about.

surprisingly, i'm done now. that didn't take nearly as long as I was expecting...

anyways, i'm so happy you finished this. hope to see you at my next project!


With love, 

Cati M.


Talking is Hard - Weathers

Painkiller - Ruel

Earth Angel - Marvin Berry & The Starlighters

Dumb Paranoia - Dog Trainer

Everything Machine - half alive

Pretend - Woven in Hiatus, Thrxttle

Lovely - twenty one pilots

Looks Like the Real Thing (Eng version) - Je Hwi
video unavailable :/

MAKEUP - little image

pub, June-9-23

scrolling all the way to the bottom like a good person, i see... just in case you're curious, i'm still doing weekly therapy sessions with my characters and they are absolutely hating it! *maniacal laughter*

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