Chapter 7: Nobody Knows

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Killer groggily opened his eyes, too tired to properly comprehend where he was for a moment.

He laid on the rough mattress of his familiar bed ( When did he get home?) , shifting to turn and look over to the other side of the bed, presumably to get up, before proceeding to nearly scream as yesterday?'s events came into mind.

Oh he was so screwed.

No wonder he was here. Try to pretend everything's normal and fine and that Killer had never left, to fall for the illusion.

This was confirmed when he saw a note on his nightstand.

He slowly sat up, trying to be careful not to make a noise to alert anyone that he was awake, though it was probably clear that Nightmare would already know.

In messy handwriting, the note said ' Heya Kills. U looked slepy

Let u sleep in

Boss s waiting

-P.S. if u call me Dust Bunny again ur dead'

Using Dust, huh? Nothing about Cross.

Where could he be..?

Was he dead?

Killer shook his head. He shouldn't let the worst come to mind just yet. Hell, he could probably be out there confused as he was in his own room.

But it also meant he had to leave his room.

So with a deep breath, he headed over to the door, opening it to be greeted with the sight of Dust about to knock. "Oh hey. You were out for awhile, what's ya do the night before? Get drunk or some shit?"

Killer blinked. "..No? You know what I was doing. You were there."

Dust seemed baffled. "I was with Horror. You went out doing whatever."

"..Really?" This was confusing, so he shook his head, focusing on something else. "Do you know where Cross is being held?"

Dust again looked confused. "Who?"

Killer nearly froze. "What do you mean who? He's my boyfriend- you know him!"

"I have no idea who Cross is, but he's not your boyfriend? Pretty sure that's Nightmare."


Ahaha. This made sense. Just a nightmare that he put me in.

Killer pinched himself, yelling in his mind to wake up, but to no use.

Dust stopped him from doing more damage. "Woah there- you alright? Did you suffer brain damage or something??"

Killer shook his head, brushing his hands away. "What.. What day is it? What year?"

Dust spoke, and when he got his answer, Killer could feel his world blending together, becoming quiet and blurry.

It was years before Cross ever came here.

What was going on?

Why can't he wake up?

"..Look, whatever you're going through- We can figure it out with Boss alright? He'll know what to do."

Killer took a step back. Even if Nightmare here at this time would've been a little bit nicer, it was still Nightmare. "..No no no no.. This is all just some stupid dream isn't it?"

And then his vision spiraled.

And then it was gone.

Killer shot up like a bolt, finding himself in Dust's arms. He couldn't tell what he was saying but he could feel the suffocating aura of him .

He pulled himself out of his hold, collapsing onto his front on the ground, hissing out in pain as he poorly attempted to get up, realizing way too late how his arms felt like lead.

Dust let out a noise of surprise, and Nightmare simply sighed. Tentacles wrapped around him, picking him up and gently setting him onto the couch.

Killer growled. He would've bitten at them if they hadn't moved away so quickly.

"It almost seems like he's a different person. ..But.."

Nightmare snapped his fingers and Killer immediately was brought to attention, sitting up, not too far from a guard waiting for their next order.

Killer afterwards shook his head, backing away.

"He clearly recognizes the signs we use. If it truly were a different person, then he'd have much more difficulty in Killer's body."

Nightmare looked at him more closely, and Killer glared at him in response. "Perhaps a future him, or simply an alternate version. One that hates me."

"Of course I hate you! You're awful!"

He seemed unaffected by Killer's insults.

Dust meanwhile stood there awkwardly.

"Ah. Well then Killer, tell me, what have I done?"

Killer froze up, words starting to get clogged up and stuck in his throat.

He shook his head, hissing at him instead.

Nightmare sighed in response. "And who was that person you were looking for?"

"..Cross." He mumbled, unsure as to why he was answering, but if it really wasn't a dream than maybe he could do something.

"A sans, right? Which universe?"


"I see, and did he join us?"

"..Yeah. In a few years he did. I don't wanna wait that long.."

"And how did we get him to join?"

"You offered him a deal.. Bring back his AU in exchange for his loyalty and such."

Nightmare tilted his head in curiosity. "Ah. And who is he to you?"

"I know you know what I told Dust. You jealous or what you dick?"

"Nothing, just. You could've just as easily been tricked. Been manipulated by him to believe all of this. To distrust us, to love him."

"Okay first of all, I only distrust you, and that's because of what you did to me, not him. Dust is fine, but last I recall you sent him to capture me and Cross after blackmailing him into doing so by using Horror, and then I blacked out."

Dust piped in. "Maybe we don't play the blame game, and try to help each other figure out what the fuck's going on? And who knows how long you'll uhm, be here. Might as well try to get comfortable? I can just be the one to tell you your missions or something if you don't wanna see Boss."

Killer shook his head. "I ran for a reason. I'm not letting whatever bullshitery this is keep me in this hellhole." And he ran off, shooting through the door.

Dust moved to stop him, but Nightmare placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. "Give him some time. Whatever happened, it wasn't good. Won't do well for us to pry."

Dust simply nodded in response.

He'd find Cross. Save him even if he had to himself. Whatever time this is, whether dream or not, it's still Cross.


Cross grit his teeth, staring with daggers at Nightmare's face. "What the fuck did you do to him?"

"Nothing, really. He'll just be in a coma for awhile I suppose."

"Just in a coma?!" His hands tightened into fists, barely controlling himself.

"Play nice, won't you? I don't think Killer would enjoy knowing his guard dog couldn't keep it's temper in check. All it'll do is make your death faster. More fun for me, but you know he wouldn't like that."

He stared down at Killer's 'sleeping' body. He wasn't in peace, he could tell that. He seemed stress, scared even.

Cross took one of his hands, gripping it gently, as if to say 'I'm here'.

I'll save you, Kills. Be safe until I can, won't you? As long as it takes. I'm sorry.

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