Chapter 9: Waiting in Patience for Me

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Killer shifted restlessly, a little confused. ..He was still here, in Nightmare's castle. Why?

He was awake now. Surely Cross would've wanted him to leave. But he always changed the topic whenever he had tried, as if knowing.

..Was it even Cross..? It felt so odd, but if he wasn't him then where was the actual Cross?

He was getting more busy too, ending up with less time then Cross would usually have to spend with him. And it wasn't like Killer could just leave. He couldn't, never. He'd never be able to leave Cross here.

So instead of doing nothing while Cross was doing whatever shit Nightmare wanted- He was going to get some answers. And that's how he found himself here now, slamming his hands down onto his desk.

Nightmare looked up from his papers, a blank look on his face.

"You're doing something! I know you are- You're scheming some fuckin plot to get me away from Cross!" Maybe it wasn't the best of ideas to confront him immediately, but what else was he supposed to do?

"Calm down." As if he would! Though he didn't say that out loud.

"You do know you were asleep for quite some time, yes? Your body's weak and it needs to go through training before you can go back, and even then you'll need to be on team missions, never solo."

"Bullshit! I've been training with Dust for WEEKS now! If anything just give Cross a break!"

Nightmare narrowed his eyes, tentacles flicking in annoyance behind him. "Regardless, you might not be able to reach the strength you had. Besides, who knows how it might've affected you mentally, and could affect how you are in battle. Plus, although it is not your business to know of this, you won't stop talking until I do, so the thing is is that Cross wanted this. He needs a break from all of this. From you."

Killer simply laughed. "No he doesn't. It's more so he needs a break from you and your stupid rules. Plus so what if I can't even reach my old strength? You don't even let me outside at all! I've been cooped up in here for so fucking long!"

"You have too much faith in him Kills." The wrongness that came from him using that nickname caused Killer to shiver, recoiling in almost disgust. "What happens when your faith isn't returned? When he breaks it. It'll hurt. He's a weak link anyways, being the newest member. He could be untrustworthy."

"Funny coming from the guy who can literally be able to tell what someone's intent is. And so what are you going to do? He put in so much effort doing whatever shitty missions you put him on and whatever you order him to do! Are you seriously doing that just to kick him out!? Why are you even keeping him here still huh? Oh I bet it's because of me! I'm growing soft on the 'newbie' and now you have the audacity to waste his time because of me? PLEASE. If that was seriously it then kick him out instead of having him uselessly hope! Actually sign me up too! I'm leaving this shit hole once Cross-"

Nightmare seemed almost about to explode on him, when the door opened. (You'd think Nightmare would've locked it beforehand with his magic, but he didn't. Maybe he wanted this to happen.)

"Once I what?" Cross spoke, tilting his head as an invisible eyebrow was raised. He stood by the doorway.

Killer turned to face his direction, about to speak when, no surprise, Nightmare interrupted. "Killer here was simply overreacting over your situation." Cross let out a noise of understanding.

He was confused now.

"Really, Kills, that was quite stupid of you. You could've come to me first about it, you know. Then you would know that Nightmare and I have already talked it through, and I'm completely fine with it."

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