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"Hey, Mike.. wake up.. foods ready." I heard a voice whisper. I felt someone's hand on my back rubbing circles. I groaned and rolled over, my body facing Zaire. "Mike?" I heard Zaire say. "Hm?" I hummed, my eyes opening a bit. "Oh good, you're awake. I made food." He said. I sat up slowly and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I stood up slowly and rubbed my eyes before yawning.

Zaire had already left the room. I followed after him and into his big ass kitchen. I saw the kitchen table set with two dishes of scrambled eggs and bacon. Zaire was already sitting down and eating. I walked over to my chair and pulled it back to sit. Once I was situated I picked up my fork and dug into the eggs. We ate silently, both of us not wanting to talk. I felt good. It felt amazing to get all that trauma off my chest and to just relax for once.

He finished his plate first and took it over to the sink. He turned back to me and leaned on the counter, watching me as I inhaled my food. I was hungry. I don't usually get decent meals in. "Um, I have to work for a bit." Zaire started. I paused my eating and looked at him. "You're leaving?" I asked, my mouth stuffed with food. "No, but I'll be in my office. It's just down the hall if you need me." He spoke. I nodded and continued eating.

He smiled at me before pushing himself up and walking down the hallway as he said. When he disappeared I saw him keep the door he went through half open. I sighed and stood up slowly, bringing my dishes to the sink. I placed the plate and utensils in the sink and quickly ran water over them before walking away. I plopped down on the couch and stared at the tv that was not on.

I looked down and tried to find the remote but it wasn't on the coffee table. I looked underneath the surface but it wasn't there either. I looked over to the tv and it was sitting on the ledge the tv was floating above. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up to get the remote. Once I got it and I was back on the couch I switched the tv on. It turned on and a football game was on. I fiddled with the buttons until I got a decent show on.

I didn't actually watch it. I just stared emptily at the tv. I sighed and switched my gaze to the floor. I wish I had my cigarettes with me. I pushed myself up again and wandered into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw nothing of interest. I turned my gaze to the front door of the apartment. I stared at the hard wood for a while. I looked down at what I'm wearing and started walking towards the hallway. My plan was to go pick up some smokes from the corner store and get back here in less than an hour.

I walked past his office and saw him writing lines and words down onto papers and blueprints. I skipped his office and went into the room we slept in last night. I unzipped the sweater and put my fishnet shirt back on. I also ended up putting on my heels too. I needed shoes and they were the only ones I had at the moment. After I slipped the sweater back on I snuck back down the hallway and to the front door. I figured I wouldn't tell Zaire I was leaving because I would be back in no time and plus I am an adult and can do what I want.

I opened the front door and walked through the doorway before closing the door behind me. I pressed the button to call the elevator and waited patiently. Once the elevator opened I stepped in. There was an old lady inside with a walking stick. She wore a red long dress and a purple coat on top with short black slip on heels. She held a small hand bag on the other hand. "What floor is this?" She asked as I stepped into the elevator.

"Um, the top floor. Floor eight." I responded. "Oh darn, I pressed the wrong buttons again." She said. "What floor do you need?" I asked. "Five." She spoke, her voice cracking. I pressed the number five and the doors closed. "Thank you, deary." She said, squeezing my forearm. "Your welcome." I said.

As we descended down her gaze shifted to my legs and feet. "Are you wearing no pants? And what are those shoes?" She asked. I looked down and realized it looked like I forgot to put pants on. "Oh, no ma'am. I'm wearing shorts and these are platform heels." I said. I wish I was wearing normal clothes. "Back in my day we didn't have those high heels. They look really good on you though." She spoke. I smiled to myself and chuckled a bit. "Thank you." I said. She nodded and the elevator door opened.

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