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I walked until my legs ached. I decided to take a break and sit on a small black bench on the side of the sidewalk. I sat down and enjoyed the fresh air. I wanted to get back to the apartment fast so I didn't sit for a long time. I was quickly back on my feet and walking towards Zaire's apartment.

When I got there I tossed the cigarette onto the ground and stomped it into the dirt. I opened the doors to the apartment and past the front desk, heading towards the elevator. When I got in I waited patiently while the elevator took me to the top floor. I got out and didn't knock, I just opened the door. I walked in and threw the cigarettes on the couch while removing my shoes. It was quiet, which meant Zaire was probably at his site.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out a small plastic container that had rice and chicken in it and opened the lid, closing the refrigerator. I popped the container in the microwave and warmed it up. When it was done I sat down at the island seat and dug in. It was pretty good.

I placed the container in the sink and walked off to the bedroom to take a nap. I dug through my clothes and fished out a long sleeved shirt and shorts. I quickly changed into them and jumped on the bed. I got under the covers and stared at the blank ceiling. I tossed and turned and hugged a pillow and tried to sleep for an hour but to no avail. I grew frustrated and sat up in a fit of rage at the lack of sleep I was getting.

I knew why. I couldn't sleep because I wanted Zaire to be here with me. I sighed and flung my legs over the mattress, standing up. I walked over to the big window which had its blinds closed and yanked them open. I sat on the ledge in the corner of the frame and leaned my head on the glass. My knees were brought up to my chest and I hugged them tight. The city looked so a light and peaceful. I remember the first time I saw a view like this.

It was when I was six years old. My mother had brought me up a sky scraper and I screamed because I thought I was going to fall off of it. We were visiting her friends. She comforted me and held my hand so I wouldn't feel scared. At the time I had an older sister who gave me a hug and told me everything would be alright. She was about two years older. When we got a tour of the roof top my sister had leaned over the edge of the railing and lost her balance and fell. She died that day. I cried for hours.

I never stepped foot on a roof ever again. It's a horrible memory that haunts me almost everyday. Suddenly I got the shivers and jerked my head away from the window. That's when I heard the front door close. I didn't move, assuming he would find me. I heard him walking down the hall then I heard something fabricated and heavy fall on the ground. "Hey." He greeted. "Hi." I replied, my head turning to Zaire. He had put a bag down.

He unzipped his sweater which was very dirty and fell on the bed, a sigh leaving his lips. "I feel so drained." He stated. "Mm." I hummed. He lifted his head, noticing my uncomfortableness. "What's up?" He asked, sitting up. "I quit today." I say blankly. He clapped enthusiastically. "Yay! That job was no good." He says. He hopped off the bed and made his way over to me. He sat on the floor like he did the night I spilled my life story and held my hand gently. He kiss the back of my hand.

"I'm proud." He whispered. A slight smile made it's way to my lips. He glanced up at me. "Something bothering you?" He asked. "Drained too." I said. He blew out a breath. "Come here." He said. I looked down at him and slid off the ledge and into his arms. We hugged and he lightly rocked me back and forth. He kissed the top of my head. "So where were you?" I asked, my words muffled by Zaire's chest.

"I was called in to instruct and deliver some prints today." He says in a soft tone. "Boring stuff." He added. "Nothing about you is boring." I mumbled. He chuckled. "It's true." I pout. "Ok, Mikey, I believe you." He says and kisses my head again. "Good, now kiss me." I say and look up to connect our lips. We do as I say and start sucking each other's faces off. His tongue slides against my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly. The same moment his tongue slides into my mouth a small mewl leaves my lips.

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