Chapter 14

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Lunging at the man threatening him with a knife, Zeke tossed it out of his hold and managed to land a punch against his jaw, in hopes of knocking him out. His previous training days should be paying off but today, he was abnormally shaky and fragile. Would he make it out alive? Would Pieck hate him for dying on her-

He cut his thoughts out a bit too late as a fist collided against the side of his head, causing him to collide against the counter and slide off the horrifying dent he left.

Even though his vision blurs for a short while, Zeke tossed himself away from the direction of the incoming knife, grabbing the wrist and twisting it. The man shrieked, triggering the other to charge toward the blond with his iron knuckles.

"Stop fucking around Jeagar, one hit and it's over for you!"

Suddenly all his fears cornered him the instant his neck caged in between the bigger man's bicep and forearm. No matter how hard he scratched and pried at his arm, it wouldn't even jerk. If he didn't move, the other man would stab him, right into his open torso. There seemed to be only one way out.

Although a trick so dirty, Zeke swung his leg up against his groin. The knife dropped to the cold floor as the man's voice did, kneeling in agony.

The former didn't seem to like that. Suddenly snatching a fistful of Zeke's hair, he yanked his head back before pounding it against the table. Zeke collapsed with a bloody nose, in pain but conscious enough to notice the sharp weapon had fallen precisely by his side.

Before the military officer could finish the job off with one last blow to Zeke's head, the bearded man punctured his chest, now straddling his limp body with the bloody knife in hand. He swiftly jabbed another two holes to ensure his death.

However, the end of his worries was far from near. A growl that hadn't alerted him due to his dizziness pulled him out of his daze too late.

Even in such a state, Zeke refused to give the knife up. The two men toppled over the other in a wrestle that would determine who would finally win. Zeke wasn't looking so lucky. He was in such a state of shock that all he could do was shakily grunt. The look of horror engraved into the dead man's face stuck to the front of his mind. He had never killed someone so up close.

When his physical strength proved worthless, Zeke shoved the man off and attempted to reach for the knife cabinet on the other side of the room, however his frailty resulted in the other man thrusting him against the hard table. It didn't budge, not even against Zeke's aching hip.

He snatched Zeke's collar before puncturing his torso. He didn't have enough strength to yell, all he could do was weakly moan and scan for the knife with his wavering vision.

Just as he was about to aim for another stab, a huge pan collided against the back of his head, shocking Zeke when he had collapsed out of the way to reveal his fiance standing there, mortified at the sight of the injured man.

"Didn't I... tell you to run a-away?"

"We can't talk about this now!" She snatched the towel from the counter and ripped it into a nicely sized shred. "We have to get you help! Fast!"

After tying the shreds of fabric tight around his wound, she wrapped an arm around his waist and slung his arm over her shoulder, bearing a majority of his weight.


Both adults bathed after making love. And although it may have been far off into the middle of the night, they decided to leave sleep to go make princess cookies. Reiner was cutting out heart shapes and Y/n was slicing them into the shapes of crowns.

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