Chapter 25

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Leila awoke with excitement on an early October morning. Today was the day of her brother and Shannon's wedding. She'd been looking forward to the day since Shannon and her brother had gotten engaged. Her excitement was made more special by the fact that Mia would be joining her. For months she had imagined she'd be going alone and would have to navigate awkward conversations with distant family members by herself, but now having someone to accompany her made her feel much more at ease.

Leila spent the majority of the morning getting ready. She'd ordered a dark green dress a few months back and carefully curled her hair in her bedroom.

The ceremony would be simple, just a small outdoor wedding at a local golf course, yet she still felt it necessary that she look her best. Even if she wasn't part of the wedding party, it would be the first time she'd be seeing several family members in a while, and she wanted to make sure she at least looked presentable.

Leila's heels clacked against the hardwood floor as she stepped into the living room. She went to pour herself a morning cup of coffee when she heard the door to Mia's bedroom open. Leila could tell already Mia was also wearing heels by the same familiar clacking.

As Mia stepped out from the corner, Leila held back a screech of surprise. Mia's hair had been curled slightly; she wore glittering earrings and a small jeweled necklace. What took Leila aback most of all was the elegant navy blue jumpsuit Mia was wearing. She looked absolutely stunning. It made Leila slightly jealous of the fact Mia wasn't accompanying her as her actual date.

"Is this okay?" Mia asked, noticing Leila's surprise. "All my dresses felt a little too simple, so I thought the jumpsuit—"

"No, it looks great!" Leila assured her.

"Thanks. I like your dress," Mia said.

Leila hoped Mia couldn't see the blush rising in her cheeks. "Thank you. I bought it a few months back."

"Well, it looks great on you," Mia said.

"T-Thanks," Leila said again. "Are you about ready to go?"

Mia nodded.

Leila gave Fuji a few good-bye scratches and lectured him about how there was dry food in the kitchen should he get hungry throughout the day, though she doubted he understood by the way he rolled over and went back to sleep.

Leila felt strangely nervous on the car ride over to the golf course. Perhaps it was because she was bringing Mia along, or maybe the nerves she knew her brother was feeling were somehow permeating her as well.

"So why didn't Shannon make you a bridesmaid?" Mia asked.

"Oh. We talked about it, but they wanted to keep the wedding party small, and she wanted to make sure her bridesmaids and my brother's groomsmen matched in numbers. I don't mind much. I don't like the attention anyway. I was happy to just go with my parents. I'm glad you're coming along now too," Leila said.

"Thanks for inviting me," Mia replied.

It was the perfect day out on the golf course. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and although the air was slightly chilled, it wasn't cold enough for Leila to shiver.

"I'm sure I'll be bombarded by family members, so stay close to me," Leila told Mia as they headed toward the venue.

"Trust me, I was planning on it," Mia replied.

The wedding venue was situated adjacent to the golf course, surrounded by colorful autumn trees and a white arch embedded with fresh, colorful flowers. Several white chairs had been set up in rows, some of which were already occupied by family members. Leila immediately located her parents sitting near the front. Her mother greeted her with a hug and complimented her outfit before her eyes fell to Mia.

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