Chapter 5: A bad fish

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A full week has now passed and Yato was now at a flower shop as Yato was picking up an order of roses that he had ordered.

"Thank you very much" Yato said as he had taken the roses from the owner after he paid for the rose and as Yato walked outside he looked up in the sky.

Yato had just sighed knowing that it would most likely be raining most likely later on during the day but for now Yato had walked back home.

After a few minutes Yato had gotten back home to see his family already waiting for him.

"So you guys ready it's gonna be a long walk" Yato said.

"Yeah we are" Karin said as Yato looked over at Ichgio and decided to tease his little brother so he had walked over to Ichigo and looked at him.

"So you want me to give you a piggyback ride like how you always used to ask me for one when I was younger?" Yato asked which made Ichigo quickly get emberessed as he began remembering when he was younger.

Everytime when Yato came back home Ichgio when he was younger always would ask Yato for a piggyback ride even if Yato was to be doing something else he would always give Ichigo his little brother a piggyback ride but after their mother's death it changed Ichigo.

"We'll alright everyone let's get going it's gonna be a long walk" Yato said.

"Big bro you mind if I hold the roses you got?" Yuzu asked Yato.

"I don't mind here just be careful alright" Yato said as he then handed the roses to Yuzu as the group had decided to now go to where they usally do once every year.

While Yato was walking he could already sense and could tell who was following and them being ahead of the hill that they were climing up and when they had gotten up the hill they saw it was Rukia.

Rukia had then turned to the side and waved to the two which made Ichigo just wonder what is Rukia doing.

"Big bro isn't that one of your student's?" Yuzu asked her elder brother.

"Oh yes she is and I wonder myself if she is here that means she did her homework right?" Yato asked looking over at Rukia who quickly began nooding her head not wanting to get on Yato bad side.

"Alright then you guys go ahead I will talk to both Ichigo and Rukia on the side" Yato said as he had grabed both Ichgio and Rukia pulling them to the sides to have a talk with the two.

(Timeskip wit Yato dragging chibi Ichgio and Rukia)

"Rukia what are you doing here?" Ichgio asked.

"Ichgio you fool wha if you were attacked by hollows?" Rukia questioned.

"I am here so you cleary have something else on your mind and another reason why you were here?" Yato questioned.

"What's bothering you Rukia?" Ichgio questioned.

"Nothing's wrong with me but I was just thinking about what you talked to me about your mother" Rukia said which Yato looked over at Ichgio who was looking over at Rukia.

"So who killed her?" Rukia asked.

"I didn't say that" Ichgio said.

"You told me see ghosts for a long time as you could remember. If that's so just answear one question for me" Rukia said.

"Wasn't that thing that killed your mother a hollow?" Rukia questioned which both Yato and Ichigo just stayed silent which Rukia had decided to speak up.

"It's possible! You have seen sprits for a long time since you could remember, so could it be if your spiritual density very hard that hollows could have targeted you but Mistaken your mother" Rukia suggested.

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