Chapter 26: Time For Some Training And Talk

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Ichgio had been sent flying, into that of a rock as then the hollow mask he had on shattered which then he fell onto one knee and began panting while having his Zanpakuto in it's Shikai state.

"Ichgio I told you to keep focus it will get easier over time" Yato said as he is still training Ichgio who hasn't trully mastered his Hollowfication that being his Hallow mask which he hasn't been able to truly master.

With Yato trying to teach Ichgio how to keep focus on keeping his mask on even while fighting or getting damaged.

Currently right now Ichigo could hold his Hollw mask for that of a few seconds being similar to the Vizards who each have that of time limts on their Hollow Masks but that is the complete oppiste to Yato.

As Yato had truly masterd his Hollowfication, being able to maintain and keep his Hollow mask on for as long as he wants even being able to wear it every day if he wanted. The reason for this is because of the years he had been training on the road while also going into many tournaments around the world as well.

Yato had then looked at his watched and then looked back up at an exhuasted Ichgio who looked ready to pass out.

"Alright, then time to take a break" Yato said as he had then made his way of to a mini fridge that was in undergound training room that they were in with the other Vizards.

"Wait...I'm...not...finis-!" Ichgio didn't get to finish his scentence as he had been hit. in the face with the watter bottle which had been thrown by Yato.

"I know you want to get stronger, but you won't be able to do if you beat, yourself up let your body get rest and recover which will let it grow and get stronger" Yato said as he knew the breaking past a person limits is great but destroying your body isn't going to get a person anywhere.

Yato had then seen as Ichgio had sat down and then began drinking on the bottle of water, that he had gotten trying to recover and regain his, strength so he could get ready to resume his training once again.

Which Yato simply had a small, grin on his face as even though Icghio is making slow progress it's still progress in any way.

As Yato had then threw another bottle of water, at Ichgio which like last time time him in the face but still the orange haired teen drank the water trying to regain his strength and stamina.

At which Yato had then sensed one of his students approaching the bulding and even though the warehouse, had that of some barriers around it he still could sense practically everyone in town.

"Hey you guy's don't get caught off guard one of my students are going to me coming in with in a few seconds so don't be suprised" Yato said to the Vizards who didn't understand at which then Hachigen felt someone come through his barrier.

"Someone...has slipped past and entred through my barrier" Hachigen said suprising the Vizards as Yato had then spoken up.

"I told you guy's one of my students, would be coming. Trust me my students might not seem like it but they are full of suprises" Yato said.

As all of the Vizards had then heard footsteps come down the stairs and had then seen a teenage girl with oragne hair and wearing a school uniform came down from the top of the wearhouse having that of a quite suprised expression on her face.

As all of the Vizards had then heard footsteps come down the stairs and had then seen a teenage girl with oragne hair and wearing a school uniform came down from the top of the wearhouse having that of a quite suprised expression on her face

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