No one

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No one. There was no one around, well not anymore. They're all gone, all turned to dust. Some might say "that's terrible" but for me, it's more of a relief. When everyone in your world is abusive, violent, and cruel, you don't feel as bad when their all gone.


Everyone is gone...

Because of me.

I just sat in the lab of hot lands, the only place that didn't remind me of pain. Alphys was always kind to me. She saved me. Though I didn't dare go into the true lab. Never. To many memories I've forced myself to forget. I don't go "home" of I can even call it that anymore. Too much pain. So much pain.

Now I'm alone. All alone. Alone in this fucked up world. Though that's better then the pain. At least I think it is. I'm not scared anymore, who can I be scared of. I'm not running anymore, there's no one to run from.

No one.

Not a single living soul.

Other then me.

I finally decided to get out of my head and walk around. Where? I'm not even sure. I've been everywhere, seen everything. Nothing interests me anymore. It's been years now, years of the same thing. Same dust filled wind, same unbearable silence.

Maybe I should work. Yeah, yeah. That will help.

I head to the computer in the lab, trying to figure out how to escape this place. I figured out there were other universes out there, other then my own. Ones with people, nice people. They don't hurt each other. They might not hurt me. But I can't let me guard down, I must keep my walls up. I can't let anything get to me. I can't let anyone get to me.

Not again.

I look at the timer. It's a clock that's been counting up for years. Ever since I killed the last monster in the underground. Well in my underground. How long as it been now? 3 years. Wow, it's only been that long. It felt like so much longer. That happens when there's nothing to do. When there's no one around.

No one.

No one.

No one.

I'll get out of here. I'll figure it out. I've been working for a while now, I need a break. I can't figure out what I need to do. I should train. If I'm strong enough no one can hurt me. That's a good idea. Yeah, yeah. I like that idea. No one can hurt me.

No one can hurt me.

No one can hurt me.

No one.
No one.
No one.

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